Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trail Log: 9-6-2024

  •  Trail: Lake Fork to Elk Creek - 1886
  • Miles: 5
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack
  • Dogs: Groot

Notes: It's been a bit like a poorly written country song around these parts. My truck broke down and my horse pulled a shoe on the day I was headed out for a pack trip in Washington State. I was stranded. I spent the week raising the ranch panels 18 inches off the ground so Jack can't snag his shoes and pull them off...hoof and all. That was a lot of work. A hot shower would have been nice but had to settle for a cold one since the hot water heater took a dump, too. 

It's amazing how much you can get done when you are imprisoned on five acres. With not truck to haul

the one non-lame horse around, I grabbed the chain saw and fencing supplies and worked on the fence in the deepest, darkest section of jungle on my property. Not the worst chore - I rather enjoy clearing brush. I cut so many little trees out, I used them for staves all along the fence. It's now the sturdiest, coolest looking fence on the property. 

I was fortunate my truck broke down here instead of on the road or back in Arizona where everything is quadruple the price. Jeremy, the mechanic here - is one of the best around in my opinion. He got the truck running for a fourth of what the shop in Baker was going to charge. 

I caught Jack's pulled shoe fast enough and slapped a boot on him before he tore it up too bad. In a weeks time, Stewart was able to get a shoe on him. He's still a little tender in the toes. His feet never recovered 100% after the butcher job a couple of years ago. It's heartbreaking - but we manage. I lay him off for 3-5 days after a reset and he's usually good to go. 

On the same day Jeremy got my truck running, Stewart reset Jack. I waited a couple of days and hauled him up to explore the Lake Fork area. He was still a little gimpy going down-hill but seemed to ease up after a couple of miles. I walked and led him part of the time. A timber rattler buzzed us at a creek crossing. This was the same area we killed a rattler several years ago. Still surprise me there are rattlers in this area. 

Once home, I put Jack up - temporarily fixed the hot water heater and took a hot-ish shower. 

Clearing brush in the Jungle

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