- Trail: WRT - Presley Trail Head to Big Trestle
- Miles: 16
- Riders: Self - Jones
- Horses - J'Lo - Honor
- Dogs: Hank
Notes: Plans changed more often than some people change underwear this weekend. Started out as an IMO weekend - then a shooting weekend - then a combination IMO/Shooting weekend - back to just an IMO and eventually Shooting and trail riding. The weather has been crazy. Jones and I decided to forfeit the IMO due to predicted rain everyday but Saturday. We new it would be nice Saturday - but that is a long way to haul to ride for only one day. We decided to hit the trail Saturday and ride to Big Trestle. The weather was perfect for riding even if the road leading up to the trail head was a little slimy. (enter pucker factor)
We didn't find any hidden markers, but we did manage to solve most of the worlds problems in 5 hours and 33 minutes.
We stopped at Homestead for lunch. Although we missed getting to ride the IMO - Dusty promises to make us each an IMO style certificate of our very own. :)