Saturday, December 30, 2023


  •  Trail: Aguila - State Land
  • Miles: 5.5
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot

Notes: First ride post-COVID. That shit can kick your ass. I'd say I'm about 50% of normal. Not exactly the Christmas present I was hoping for but since I didn't die, I can't complain too much. Getting a heavy saddle on a tall horse was slightly less difficult than getting on him. It would have been a lot easier to saddle and ride Drifter but thought it was best to stick with Jack until I get my strength and balance back. I will get them back, right? Good hell....

Of all the meds I've taken in the last week for body aches, runny nose, hacking cough, chest congestion, head aches, fevers and simply trying to breath...nothing felt as good as crawling into that saddle. COVID is no match for 1200 pounds of buckskin and hooves. 

Trail Log: 12-21-2023


  • Trail: Tiger Wash - Windmill    
  • Miles: 4
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Jack - Twister
  • Dogs: Groot - Pearl (Hank opted to stay home)

Notes: A short ride NE of Tiger Wash. Found some cool "yard art" I'd like to go back and get. Had to cut the ride short and get back for the delivery of a batch of staves I ordered for a privacy fence around the house. 

Trail Log: 12-4-2023

Drifter and roping guru Dave

  • Trail: Aguila - State Land
  • Miles: 6
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Drifter
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot

Notes: Pre-roping warm up. Drifter and I have been learning to rope. Warming up in the arena is a mind numbing experience for us both. I take him out in the desert before and after roping practice to warm up/cool down. Not that we really need to cool down - but the less time spent in an arena the better IMHO. 

Trail Log: 12-14-2023


Trusty treasure hunting steeds 

  • Trail: Eagle Eye - Tiger Wash
  • Miles: 8 (two separate rides)
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Jack - Twister
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot - Pearl

Notes: This was a return trip up Tiger Wash to try and dig up a buried treasure. We were unsuccessful. What I hoped was a rusted oblong bucket I could use as a planter turned out to be the top of what I think is a fuel tank. No digging that thing out. It wasn't a total waste - I found a really cool old glass jar and a screw top metal can of sorts. 

I guess we'll leave it right there....