Sunday, January 27, 2019

Trail Log: 1-26-2019

  • Trail: Succor Creek Canyon  - Fisherman's Rd. - Devils Gate area - Trash Pickup Event
  • Miles: 9.36
  • Ave mph: 2.4
  • Riders: Self 
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo
  • Dogs: Hank and Shade

Notes. I call my Pet Peeve Pack it Out day a success. We had 5 ATV's, 17 horses, 22 humans, 9 dogs and 1 large truck load of garbage ranging from beer cans to bumpers. A few of the more odd pieces of trash we found were a car bumper, a mini blind and a bottle of System Biolage hair conditioner.

We broke into 3 groups. Each group covering approximately 10 miles.  1 large group headed up Fisherman Rd. Another group rode toward Devils Gate and my smaller group rode down the canyon toward Succor Creek. At the creek, Matt and Tim rode downstream and I rode upstream. I sent at least 1 ATV with each group. As the panniers filled, we emptied them out in an ATV and headed out for more garbage.

My litter patrol
Some of the more ingenious folks rigged themselves long "spears" to aid in picking up trash they could stab from their horse without having to climb on and off. Me, I just rode my shortest horse and packed the taller one - and walked the majority of the time.

I was among the first riders back to the trailers. I swapped horses and headed back out to check on the other groups. The rest filtered in within 10 minutes of each other. We couldn't have timed it better had we planned it.

A few of us that didn't have to get back right away, warmed our toes around the fire ring and split whatever food we had left.

One group was stopped by a car of sight-seers wanting to know what we were doing and what group we belonged to. Linda smiled and answered: We don't belong to any particular group. We are just a bunch of friends who decided to to do something about the trash in an area we all enjoy.

It's doesn't take an official "group" to make a difference. It takes a few, slightly obsessive individuals fed up with the way things are to make a positive impact. I believe our menagerie of ATV enthusiast, hunters, cowboys, mounted shooters, equestrians, mounted orienteerer's and hikers did just that.

A HUGE thank you to my eclectic group of friends who helped this slightly obsessive compulsive gal out with one of her Pet Peeves: If you can pack it in full - you sure as hell can pack it out empty.

We filled this truck and a couple small trailers. It is so nice to see this trash headed to the dump instead of on our trails. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Trail Log: 1-11-2019

  • Trail: Ox Ranch - 4 rivers BLM - Payette
  • Miles: 7.54
  • Ave: 2.7 mph
  • Max: 6.4 mph
  • Riders: Self - Jon
  • Horses: J'Lo - Jack

Notes: Not a fan of riding on private property. It was nice of the OX ranch to let us ride through their property though and we did end up on BLM. If the trail wasn't froze - it was slicker than snot and full of badger holes big enough to swallow your horse.

I am done with short rides under 10 miles. Dumb'ing it down and leaving my dogs at home is no longer an option. Makes me cranky and life is too short to be cranky. :)

Amazing weather for January.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Trail Log: 1-5-2019

Trail: Succor Creek Canyon
Miles: 5.76
Riders: Self - Jon
Horses: Jack and J'Lo
Dogs: Shade and Hank

Notes: It was supposed to be close to 40° today. It was not...not even close. I saddled up and headed for Succor Creek anyway. The wind wasn't blowing and the roads were clear. What more do you need?

We still didn't want to overdo it for Jon, who is still healing from getting thrown. Plus - I had the horses shoes pulled the day before and didn't want to chance gimping them up on the rocky, desert terrain. A couple weeks and their feet will be able tolerate longer days on the trail.

The canyon is increasing in popularity with horse back riders and other folks as time goes on. The litter is increasing as well. It is so sad to see how people treat their land. From water bottles to spent shotgun shells. It use to be you could ride out here and not see another soul. Gone are those days for sure. I guess it's time to move on to more remote areas and pick places nobody in their right mind would want to go. Maybe Dugg Bar in August where the only things that can tolerate the heat are the cat fish and black widow spiders.

In the meantime - I supposed it's time to either organize a trash pickup or do it myself. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Trail Log: 1-1-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail
  • Miles: 5.58
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo
  • Dogs: Hank and Shade

Notes: The temps dropped into the teens for the new year, but the sun was shinning and no wind! Beautiful day to ring in the new year.

Saw a ton of geese and other water fowl AND a bunny rabbit! I remembered my camera with the good zoom this time. I think this is the first time I've seen a bunny on the WRT. It seems like I get to see something different every time.

My favorite thing about New Years: A clean slate. Every day should be a clean slate - but I'll go with it. I expect a lot of cool changes for 2019 and looking forward to whatever adventures I can eek out of it.

My least favorite thing about New Years: You can't turn on the news without listening to lame stream media rehash the previous year for two weeks straight. What, doesn't anything of interest happen on New Years for them to report on? I didn't care about (or believe) 80% of what they report anyway - who wants to listen to them retell it? It's not like they are going to learn from it...

Regardless - the past is the past. They only thing one should do with it is reflect on the good memories you made and learn from the bad.