Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trail Log: 4-25-2020

  • Trail: Bear Creek area
  • Miles: 4.13
  • Riders: Self 
  • Horses: Jack
  • Dogs: Hank and Shade

Notes: If I have to go into town, I might has well make the best of it. I needed to pick up more paint at the hardware store. I don't like standing around waiting for them to mix it. I handed them the paint samples and told them I'd be back before they closed.

The WRT trail-head was packed with "social distancer's." I drove past it for another spot. I wanted to check out a road toward the Mercury Mine I've driven by over the years. I unloaded at a triangle/junction and set out exploring. The road didn't go too far before ending at a hot wire. I'm fairly certain it was still public access but I didn't want to mess with the fence so we looped around and climbed to the top of a ridge overlooking the Weiser River. Jack is not afraid of heights and walks right to a ledge. I always hope he doesn't someday decide to find out if he's part Pegasus.

I've been carrying a geocache around for several years with the intent of setting it someplace. This looked as good as any. I hobbled Jack and headed for a scraggly tree perched atop the rim. Most geocaching is done from a vehicle of some sort. Kind of lame. I've set a few from horseback and once in a while they get a hit. It's fun, anyway.

I watched Jack grazing down below while I set the cache. A herd of cattle decided to check him out and started trotting toward him. For a minute I thought I was going to have to walk back to the trailer. He threw his head up, snorted and started to hobble off. He can move dang near as fast hobbled as not. I yelled at him, got his attention and he stopped and waited for me. *phew* It wasn't that far to the truck and I ended up walking anyway - but it was a good feeling knowing he didn't run off and leave me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trail Log: 4-22-2020

  • Trail: Big Willow
  • Miles: 6.3
  • Riders: Self - Patty D. 
  • Horses: J'Lo - Larkey 
  • Dogs: Hank

Baby snake
Notes: A short but productive ride out Big Willow. We took a couple of garbage bags with us and picked up trash coming and going. Patty had picked up trash in the area a few days earlier - but it's a never ending thing, unfortunately. We carried out two grocery sacks full of beer bottles and cans, plastic water bottles and shotgun shells. I keep thinking I need to get a job to supplement my income but I could probably cash in all the returnable bottles and cans and make more money than I did when I was working.
Patty perusing the gully for trash
We came upon a hobo lean-to looking thing. Patty said it's been out there for at least a month. The cooler had a half dozen dead mice in it that about made me gag. Horrible smell. I always wonder about the story behind such a structure. Was somebody just goofing around and made them a little fort...or was somebody actually taking shelter out there? They left behind a Real Tree coat, a fleece blanket and a camp organizer. Hard telling...
Hobo camp

Friday, April 17, 2020

Trail Log: 4-16-2020

Trail: Owyhee's - Antelope Springs Rd - Bishop Ranch - Strode Res.
Miles: 20.5
Riders: Self - Lee - Becky
Horses: Jack - Prince - Ruby

Notes: Spent Jack's 12th birthday on one of the pretties rides I've been on yet. Met Lee at the Rock Store and picked up Becky on the way through Adrian. Made a 20 mile loop up and down canyons crossing Antelope Springs Road twice. Stopped at Strode Res. for a break. Beautiful, vast country

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trail Log: 4-14-2020

  • Trail: Grouse Creek
  • Miles: 5.5
  • Riders: Self - Sharon
  • Horses: J'Lo - Ellie
  • Dogs: Shade - Hank - Ben - Roland and Sally

Notes: Today is Shade's 12th birthday! We went up Grouse Creek for her birthday. There is water all the way. She did great. She moves slower - but she keeps on trucking and continues to amaze me. Especially with the rather steep grade to the top.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Trail Log: 4-12-2020

  • Trail: Hwy 201 W. Exit
  • Miles: 9.63
  • Riders: Self - Teri - Dan
  • Horses: Jack - Jewels - Mufasa
  • Dogs: Hank

Notes: Anybody else getting sick of the phrase: Practicing social distancing? Ugh... Met Teri and Dan for an Easter ride after a quick flat tire repair on my truck. What the hell? I've had a bad run of tire issues the last six months.

We took a different route that crossed under the freeway and looped back around to the tunnel. The horses handled the tunnels very well. A little breezy at times but a beautiful day for an Easter ride. If you can't spend it with family, spending it with friends at least six feet apart is almost as good.

Trail Log: 4-9-2020

  • Trail:  Grouse Creek
  • Miles: 4.20
  • Riders: Self - Jon
  • Horses: J'Lo - Jack
  • Dogs: Hank and Shade

Notes: Quick ride up Grouse Creek after a morning spent at Les Schwab swapping out snow tires and getting a new tire for my 3 horse slant. One tire is wearing badly - I'm hoping it was a break issue that caused it.

Jon still sore after Jack dumped him on the pavement a year ago. Hopefully riding a few miles didn't set him back.

Saw a lot of chukar - might have to start bird hunting again this fall.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Trail Log: 4-5-2020

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail - Galloway to Presley
  • Miles: 3.86
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack - J'Lo
  • Dogs: Shade and Hank

Notes: I've been working on a project that requires  painting...which I am not a fan of. I'd rather be shooting balloons or out on the trail but I want to get the project done so I can move on to other things when the weather turns nice. I try not to shoot on Sunday's anyway out of respect for my neighbors.

 I needed to run into town for a gallon of paint.  I avoid town at all cost and that was before COVID-19 turned us all in to germaphobes. I figured if I had to go, I would make the best of it. I loaded up the horses and dogs and headed for the hardware store. I told the gal I'd pick up my paint when I got back from riding. Riding in the rain is better than standing around in a hardware store trying to avoid coughing or touching your face for 10 minutes.

I try to keep it around 3 or 4 miles for Shade. Any more than that and she has a hard time moving the next day. We put in at Galloway and rode to Presley. I hobbled the horses to let them graze a while then headed back before the hardware store closed. We manged to get our ride in between light showers.