Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Trail Log: 9-28-2022

I got Drifters tack taken up enough that it almost doesn't look too big for him...almost. 


  • Trail: Aguila - State Land
  • Miles: 2.81
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Drifter - Tank
  • Dogs: No dogs - they didn't see us leave and stayed home

Notes: Kind of silly to create a trail log for under three miles but when your riding your colt and grinning from ear to do what you need to do. :)

We practiced in the morning killing balloons on Jack and Twister and then rode our colts in the evening. Did a little arena work first. I've noticed Drifter is pretty quick...fortunately he's really smooth so when he kicks in another gear you just feel like your skating really fast. After riding in the arena, we headed out to the desert for a short ride before the sun went down. If it weren't for the increase in snakes out hunting at night, I am not opposed to riding in the dark. 

The dogs went back to the RV while we were in the arena and didn't see us leave. I didn't realize they weren't with us until he got back and they met us at the gate. 

Groot continues to make himself at home

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Trail Log: 9-26-2022

Yep...kind of like that

  •  Trail: Aguila - around the block    
  • Miles: 3
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack - Drifter (pony)
  • Dogs: Hank and Groot

Notes: Went for a quick ride in the evening after it cooled off a bit. It's been pretty hot the last week. I went on the roads which I usually regret. There aren't any llama's out here yet...but there is every other scary thing to give your horse a heart attack. Drifter apparently has never seen a pony. He jumped out of his skin when the neighbors came trotting up between the roping steers. So far, Drifters go-to when he spooks is to just skitter sideways at a rapid pace. I can handle that...hoping that doesn't change to breaking in two. He's fairly athletic. 

On the way back, Jack spotted a big rattler crossing the road at the head of our driveway. He was all fours off the ground heading the other direction  before I knew what was happening. I'm not sure... we may have vaulted over the top of Drifter....who didn't seem phased with the snake as long as Uncle Jack was between it and him. We waiting for it to slither off the road before we could continue on. I don't think Jack's feet touched the ground the last 300 yards to home. 

Trail Log: 9-26-2022


  • Trail: Aguila - State Land
  • Miles: 4
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Drifter - Tank
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot

Notes: Phil brought Tank over to work with him in the arena. I saddled Drifter and did the same. After we went on a little ride out in the desert. We came across another snake but this one was not a rattler. We try to stay in the open and on the roads/trails...but, that's where every snake has been! Jack...being the snake aware king....usually spots then WAY before I do. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Girls Gone Wilderness - A revisit


11 years ago - I partook on my first non-solo pack trip with several gals from the Squaw Butte chapter of the Back Country Horsemen. A lot has changed in the last 11 years and I had all but forgotten what an experience the trip turned out to be. I've remained friends with a couple of the gals on the trip and they reposted this piece I wrote 11 years ago. I thought I would repost it to my blog. The picture link in the PDF is no longer valid as I've changed cloud storage since. 

Click here for Girls Gone Wilderness

Click here for a few pics

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Trail Log: 9-18-2022

Phil and his new ride: Tank


  • Trail: Aguila - State Land
  • Miles: 4
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Jack - Tank
  • Dogs: Hank - E.T

Notes: Well...this thing happened the other day. Phil and I went to a horse sale. He purposely did not bring a trailer - cash or checks. Who knew they took Credit Cards. 

The average horse went for 22K - top seller 100K. There were a couple of grade horses. Personally, I liked two of the grade horses better than any of the AQHA ones there. Phil ended up with the one I would have picked. His sale name was "Gnat" - which does not fit him at all. Gnat signifies something small and insignificant. This horse is built like...well, like a Tank. Phil will call him Tank. 

We watched them rope and drag a calf to be branded, cut and vaccinated. Tank was a champ. He has a huge motor. I think he will make Phil a great horse. I will keep him for a few days until Phil gets something set up where he lives.

We went for a short ride as soon as we got him to my place. He travels out super nice and appears to be a pleasure to ride. 

Trail Log: 9-15-2022

Drifter - our second ride


  • Trail: Aguila - State Land
  • Miles: 4
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Drifter - Jack - Hank - E.T

Notes: Phil came over and rode Jack so I could ride Drifter and not be out there on a colt by myself. We rode to the tank to check it out. I figured with all the rain there would be water in it. There is not. If this is supposed to be the biggest monsoon season in 30 years or more...I'm guessing that thing never gets water in it. 

I seem to have a new dog. He showed up at my place about a week ago. Starved...beat up and thirsty. I was a little leery of him at first but he went right to thumping his tail. I fed and watered him and doctored the gash on his head. He hasn't left my side since. I put is picture out on the Aguila FB page for a couple of days. No, unless he is micro-chipped...I'm keeping him. I take him in to be neutered in a couple of weeks. Crossing my fingers and toes he's not chipped. I'm pretty much attached already. I was going to call him Brutus...he's going to be a big dog when he gets some weight on him. However, I think I will call him E.T. He just sort of landed here out of nowhere like an alien encounter....he looks at you like he can read your thoughts and he does bare a striking resemblance to E.T. Hopefully he's not chipped and can stop attempting to phone home.