Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trail Log: 8-23-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail
  • Miles: 14
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: J'Lo - Zeke - Raycine
  • Dogs: Hank - Savannah - Dealer

Notes: Rode almost to the Big Trestle. Met up with several bicyclist and 4 otter. The otter were more playful although the last male cyclist in the black and hot-pink spandex was definitely more colorful.

Tired of ponying - I opted to ride J'Lo that morning and head on over to Dan and Teri's in Emmett that evening with Jack. J'bird was a rock on the trail. She's a solid ride for sure. That afternoon in Emmett,  I shot three stages off Jack. He stayed calmed and collected through all three. I'm still having a hard time believing I have a second shooting horse. So very proud of him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Trail Log: 8-15-2019

Kitty training session

  • Trail: Lone Pine - Prineville Oregon
  • Miles: 6.26
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack and J
  • Dogs: Hank (Shade stayed in camp)

J waiting for Jack to get out of the arena
Notes: Went up to Prineville a few days before the Guns N Grub shoot in Oregon City. Spent the days prior with a one-on-one session with Kitty. Hiked and rode around the hills between arena work.

Headed to Guns N Grub Friday. Ended up winning Shotgun and clean shooter. Was pretty excited about the shotgun win - there were 12 shooters in my class (Ladies Limited). I ended up 4th in the overall shotgun (limited and open). I did win my class in the main match as well but since I was the only one in my class...well, that doesn't really count. I didn't safety up much though and was happy with my times AND I shot clean the entire weekend.

I thought about running a course on Jack but decided since this was the first real shoot I've had him at, I wouldn't push it. Planning on taking him to the Lone Pine shoot and leaving J at home. Once I'm comfortable competing off him - we can start to work on speed. For now - we are not going to try and be competitive...taking is sloooow.
The Lone Pine

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trail Log: 8-3-2019

  • Trail: White Clouds Wilderness
  • Miles: 26.4
  • Riders: Self - Janine - Kathy - Janelle - Lisa - Shelly
  • Horses: 12 total - too damn many 
  • Dogs: Hank, Chaps, Blue, Summer and Shy

Notes: Click here for the complete write-up: 

Six girls - 12 horses - 5 dogs and a Frenchman. You had to be the above link for the write up and the below link for the pictures. It was quite the adventure. ;)

Click here for pictures: