Friday, November 17, 2023

Trail Log: 11-16-2023

  •  Trail: Harquahala Observatory TH
  • Miles: 3.40
  • Riders: Self - Celia B.    
  • Horses: Jack - Dirt
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot

Notes: Hauled to the Observatory Trail Head and rode up a little past the base camp that was the jumping off point for the mule string to carry supplies up to the scientists at the observatory. They used mules for a good reason - it is steep and very rocky. Dirt got a little bunged up in the rocks so we didn't go far but it was nice to get out. It's been trying to rain...hope it succeeds soon. 

Celia and "Dirt" 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Trail Log: 11-10-2023


  • Trail: State Land - Aguila
  • Miles: 6.67
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot

Notes: Road up to the power line and found a two track heading south. Was hoping to connect with the road leading to an old mine I'd discovered last year but this wasn't the same road. I took it until it faded out at the base of the mountain. Not sure what the road was supposed to lead to if anything. I don't really care either way - I'm just happy to have my horse back on solid feet. 

The end of "the road" 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Trail Log: 11-3-2023


  • Trail: Harquahala Observatory Trail Head
  • Miles: 8
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Jack - Tank

Dogs: Groot - Pearl (Hank is out of Carprofen so he opted to sit this one out. He got his exercise on our morning walk.) 

Notes: We wanted to ride somewhere we haven't been. We hauled out to the Harquahala Observatory Trailhead south of Eagle Eye. We took the main 2 track a couple miles and dove off into a rocky wash. Another 2 track shot out of the wash and took us up to an old rock ruin. You would never know it was there if you didn't have prior knowledge, or like us...accidently wander onto it. Pretty cool spot. It appears to have been a mine. It had an intricate water system that came down a steep ravine to the stone structure below. I found a cool rock I want to go back and get via pack-horse or jeep. Cool area