Thursday, April 8, 2021

Trail Log: 4-7-2021

(L-R) Donny - Chris - Lauren-Mike


  • Trail: Indian Creek - Oxbow (Idaho Side)
  • Miles: 8
  • Riders: Self - Lauren - Mike - Chris - Donny
  • Horses: Jack - Cisco - Stuart - Rooster - Samson

Notes: Another much needed break from moving/unpacking. Mike picked me up and we hauled to the OX ranch corrals and rode up Indian Creek to the timber line. We saw a large heard of elk bedded down in a distant saddle. The views of the hells canyon area where stunning. I worried Jack would be soft. He's pretty fat and sassy from eating the green grass coming up. He barely broke a sweat...he's a machine in the mountains. Looking forward to riding this area again and brining Drifter. 

1 comment:

  1. Jack is an amazing horse. He has has an amazing trainer as yourself. You two make a great team.
