Friday, September 27, 2024

Trail Log: 9-24-2024


  • Trail: WYE Campground - Tamarack/New Meadows - WRT North
  • Miles: 6.80
  • Riders: Self - Lou Ann
  • Horses: Jack - Rainy 
  • Dogs: Groot

Notes: Met Lou Ann at the WYE campground outside of Tamarack for the last northern trail ride before heading south. It was a good mini-trip to iron out any issues with my truck and/or trailer. Truck ran good (crossing fingers and toes.) The water heater on my LQ isn't working so I'll fix that before I head home. 

We both brought two horses so we could leave two in camp and not have to pony. The WYE campground is pretty awesome. It is officially closed for the season, so they told us to stay for free. They have four nice horse pens and free Wi-Fi! Can't really beat that. I've ridden many sections of the WRT  but this is as far north as I've gone. We put in and rode north until the WRT trail ends. I can't say it's my favorite section as it runs next to busy 95. Still, it was a pretty ride and the nice campground made it worth going. 

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