Friday, March 22, 2019

Trail Log: 3-22-2019

  • Trail: Big Flat Rd - S. Crane Creek 
  • Miles: 7.43
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo - Raycine - Diesel 
  • Trail Rating: 2.3 (Some boggy areas from melting snow - rocky off trail terrain)

Notes: Did a little scouting for our IMO. The area has potential. We couldn't check out as much as we liked due to the wet conditions from melting snow. Another week and it should be about right. Lot's of water everywhere. I drove home following Jones and Dusty through Midvale for lunch. A ranch house off Farm to Market Rd.  was surrounded by water right up to the front yard. Surrounding trees sticking up out of a lake that used to be farmland.

This was Diesels 23rd ride. He continues to do well. He's a lot of horse and will be awesome with miles and wet blankets.

I rode and ponied both horses. I took Shade for a pre-ride hike and then for a ride when we got back to the trailers so we didn't overdo it this time. She might have easily done ok with today's ride - but didn't want to chance it. As long as she gets to go and do some exploring, she's a happy dog.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trail Log: 3-16-2019

  • Trail: Succor Creek area
  • Miles: 13
  • Ave mph: 3.2
  • Riders: Self - Patty D.
  • Horses: Jack - Mocha 
  • Dogs: Hank (Shade stayed at the trailer - too far. Took her for a walk after the ride)
  • Trail Rating: 3.3

Notes: Winged it as to where we wanted to ride. Sort of followed a Lee Ride route he'd taken us on last year - ended up cutting off a few miles by heading down a cow trail instead of meeting up with Antelope Springs Rd. Came out just below the Park. Water crossings were a bit of a challenge with the high water and thick Willows. Some of the ground going cross country was pretty soft and boggy.

Beautiful day in the upper 50's. A lot of folks out enjoying the first nice weekend of the year.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Trail Log: 3-15-2019

  • Trail: Steck Park to Crazy Lady Creek
  • Miles: 7.0
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: J'Lo - Zeke - Raycine
  • Dogs: Hank - Dealer - Savannah 
  • Trail Rating: 2.0 (rocky terrain - ATV Traffic)

Notes: Jones and Dusty have never been to Steck Park. We met on Jonathan across the tracks from my place and they followed me to Steck Park. I love showing people new places - especially people that appreciate the land and how truly blessed we are in this part of the country.

We unloaded at the boat dock and rode to Crazy Lady Creek. No Crazy Lady this time - but sure is a LOT of trash again. Me and the SBBCH have picked up trash down here on two separate occasions. I guess it's time to organize another trash pick-up day. It's just such a shame. I do not understand why people trash a place ...any place! It is heartbreaking.

Beautiful, spring like day - in the mid 50's. Heard a pack of coyotes across the river on the Oregon side. Odd time of day to hear coyotes.

Stopped in at Judy's for dinner and cobbler. :)

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Trail Log: 3-10-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail. Presley to 2nd. gate
  • Miles: 8.88
  • Ave mph: 3.4
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: Jack - Honor - Rooster
  • Dogs: Hank - Dealer - Savannah

Notes: Met Jones and Dusty at Presley. Beautiful day for a ride. Sunny and very little wind.

We saw a couple of bald eagles and a deer. Of course, the usual abundance of water fowl and one pheasant.

Shade wanted to go but I left her home. It took her 2 days to recover from the last ride. It breaks both our hearts to leave her behind, even though we both know it's best. She needs to get back in shape more gradually after being laid off most of February with the wet, crappy weather.

We stopped off at Homestead for lunch and made plans to ride again Friday, weather permitting. :)

Monday, March 4, 2019

2018 Trail Log Total - 566.15 miles

I’ve been logging my trail miles since 2016. I thought it might be fun and interesting to see how many miles my butt sits in a saddle per year. I only log miles out on the trail. Arena/pasture or around the farm riding is not included.

In 2016 I logged 286.52 miles. In 2017, I logged 405.73 miles. Considering snowmagedan 2016/2017 – I was happy with those numbers.

I wasn’t sure I could top the 2016/2017 totals in 2018. With mounted shooting taking away from a lot of trail time – I was shocked to have logged 566.15 miles in 2018. Not bad for working full time, weekends spent traveling to different shoots across the west and general life on the farm.

I enter those miles in a log book as well as post to a blog. I like to write – but don’t often find the time. Blogging seemed like a good outlet. I can track my miles and keep my blog active by posting each trail log.

The 566.15 miles are spread across 61 rides, averaging 9.28 miles per ride. I made a mental note several years ago not to ride under 8 miles – preferably 10-12 average. Nothing irks me more than to haul 60 miles somewhere and ride 6. Sometimes it cannot be helped, however, so I am satisfied with the 9.28 mile average. The shortest ride being 3 miles and the longest, 22.13. I remember that 22.13 miles. We were on an 11 mile IMO loop – rode off the map and ended up doubling the distance. I thought it was fun.

On each log entry in my notebook I have a section for notes. As I go through the book tallying up each ride for the grand-total – I peruse the notes: “Hotter than hell.” “Scary ass trail.” “Chased by flock of pigs.” “Too hot for dogs – stayed close to water.” “Rode to Country Cabin for cinnamon roll and fries.”

 I got the biggest chuckle out of an entry logged: 2-16-2018- Twin Springs. My son and I hauled the 60+ miles into the Owyhee’s – saddled up and hit the trail. 3.0 miles in blistering cold wind was enough. My notes read: Too windy. Cold has hell. Built fire/ate cake.

I think some famous lady once said something about letting them eat cake instead of riding in the cold ass wind. That might not have been her exact words – but it sure would have had she been on horseback in the Owyhee’s in the blistering cold ass wind.

566.15 miles of exploring beautiful country with my horses, dogs, family and friends. 566.15 miles of cowboy boots and campfires and of course –the ever present can of Beanee Weenee’s. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trail log: 3-3-2019

Jim, Waylon and Pica

  • Trail: Rock Creek Rd. 
  • Miles: 9.49
  • Ave mph: 4.0 mph
  • Riders: Self - Jimmy M. 
  • Horses: Jack - Waylon
  • Dogs: Hank - Pica

Notes: I was going to be good  - stay home and get some wood cut and stacked. I tried to be good. Really, I did. I did get quite a bunch put up when my saw ran out of gas - enabling me to hear my phone. My horse-shoer, who lives just up the road from me about 2 miles, text the he was riding up Rock Creek about noon. I took that as divine intervention.  I had 45 minutes to catch a horse - shake off the sawdust and meet him at the end of my driveway. It's too muddy and full of cut logs to try and turn a rig around at my place right now.

About three minutes previous,  my neighbor - hearing the saw, sent a text: "Music to my ears coming from the east." I text back: "Don't get used to it. I got an invite to ride. I'm shutting the radio off."

I met Jimmy at the end of my drive about 12:30. We drove above his place and unloaded on Sage hen flats, just below the snowline. We attempted to go cross country but thought better of it when the horses sunk up to their proximal sesamoids (got to love google) in mud. We opted to hang close to the road. It was a lot cooler than down on the flats. I was beginning to regret changing out of my long underwear top - but thankful I'd at least left the bottoms on. Covered in sawdust, the top would have itched me to death.

We rode a few miles in one direction, then decided to turn around and ride back to Jimmy's place. I'd been wanting to see his new house since he finished it. he did an incredible job. The place looks just like Jimmy - a mixture of country comfort with a dash of wild west sprinkled about.

Jack and I made our way back down the driveway as J'Lo sprinted across the pasture. She missed us. Well, she missed Jack, anyway. After all - she hadn't seen him for a whole 4 hours. I hung the halter on the horse shoe hanger and glanced over at the piles of wood waiting to be processed. The old me might have felt some anxiety for not spending the entire day working on it. The new me barely gave it a second thought: " will still be there tomorrow."

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Trail Log: 3-2-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail - Presley to RR ties
  • Miles: 6.5
  • Riders: Self - Jones and Dusty
  • Horses: Jack, J'Lo - Zeke and Diesel
  • Dogs: Shade, Hank, Dealer and Savannah 

Notes: Finally got back in the saddle after dang near a month. It's been raining, snowing, blowing or all three for the last two months. Mud everywhere. The last two days have been half-way sunny. I met Jones and Dusty at Presley for a short ride on the WRT. It's about the only place with decent footing. Everything else around is knee deep in mud.

The horses all did well after being laid off for 30 days. Diesel especially did well for a green broke horse that didn't get started until he was 11 years old. Beautiful Morgan - he moves like  his feet never really touch the ground.

We took it pretty easy on account of Shade. I keep an eye on her and when I can tell she's had enough, we head back. I wish dogs had human life-spans ....:(