Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trail log: 3-3-2019

Jim, Waylon and Pica

  • Trail: Rock Creek Rd. 
  • Miles: 9.49
  • Ave mph: 4.0 mph
  • Riders: Self - Jimmy M. 
  • Horses: Jack - Waylon
  • Dogs: Hank - Pica

Notes: I was going to be good  - stay home and get some wood cut and stacked. I tried to be good. Really, I did. I did get quite a bunch put up when my saw ran out of gas - enabling me to hear my phone. My horse-shoer, who lives just up the road from me about 2 miles, text the he was riding up Rock Creek about noon. I took that as divine intervention.  I had 45 minutes to catch a horse - shake off the sawdust and meet him at the end of my driveway. It's too muddy and full of cut logs to try and turn a rig around at my place right now.

About three minutes previous,  my neighbor - hearing the saw, sent a text: "Music to my ears coming from the east." I text back: "Don't get used to it. I got an invite to ride. I'm shutting the radio off."

I met Jimmy at the end of my drive about 12:30. We drove above his place and unloaded on Sage hen flats, just below the snowline. We attempted to go cross country but thought better of it when the horses sunk up to their proximal sesamoids (got to love google) in mud. We opted to hang close to the road. It was a lot cooler than down on the flats. I was beginning to regret changing out of my long underwear top - but thankful I'd at least left the bottoms on. Covered in sawdust, the top would have itched me to death.

We rode a few miles in one direction, then decided to turn around and ride back to Jimmy's place. I'd been wanting to see his new house since he finished it. he did an incredible job. The place looks just like Jimmy - a mixture of country comfort with a dash of wild west sprinkled about.

Jack and I made our way back down the driveway as J'Lo sprinted across the pasture. She missed us. Well, she missed Jack, anyway. After all - she hadn't seen him for a whole 4 hours. I hung the halter on the horse shoe hanger and glanced over at the piles of wood waiting to be processed. The old me might have felt some anxiety for not spending the entire day working on it. The new me barely gave it a second thought: " will still be there tomorrow."

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