Monday, March 4, 2019

2018 Trail Log Total - 566.15 miles

I’ve been logging my trail miles since 2016. I thought it might be fun and interesting to see how many miles my butt sits in a saddle per year. I only log miles out on the trail. Arena/pasture or around the farm riding is not included.

In 2016 I logged 286.52 miles. In 2017, I logged 405.73 miles. Considering snowmagedan 2016/2017 – I was happy with those numbers.

I wasn’t sure I could top the 2016/2017 totals in 2018. With mounted shooting taking away from a lot of trail time – I was shocked to have logged 566.15 miles in 2018. Not bad for working full time, weekends spent traveling to different shoots across the west and general life on the farm.

I enter those miles in a log book as well as post to a blog. I like to write – but don’t often find the time. Blogging seemed like a good outlet. I can track my miles and keep my blog active by posting each trail log.

The 566.15 miles are spread across 61 rides, averaging 9.28 miles per ride. I made a mental note several years ago not to ride under 8 miles – preferably 10-12 average. Nothing irks me more than to haul 60 miles somewhere and ride 6. Sometimes it cannot be helped, however, so I am satisfied with the 9.28 mile average. The shortest ride being 3 miles and the longest, 22.13. I remember that 22.13 miles. We were on an 11 mile IMO loop – rode off the map and ended up doubling the distance. I thought it was fun.

On each log entry in my notebook I have a section for notes. As I go through the book tallying up each ride for the grand-total – I peruse the notes: “Hotter than hell.” “Scary ass trail.” “Chased by flock of pigs.” “Too hot for dogs – stayed close to water.” “Rode to Country Cabin for cinnamon roll and fries.”

 I got the biggest chuckle out of an entry logged: 2-16-2018- Twin Springs. My son and I hauled the 60+ miles into the Owyhee’s – saddled up and hit the trail. 3.0 miles in blistering cold wind was enough. My notes read: Too windy. Cold has hell. Built fire/ate cake.

I think some famous lady once said something about letting them eat cake instead of riding in the cold ass wind. That might not have been her exact words – but it sure would have had she been on horseback in the Owyhee’s in the blistering cold ass wind.

566.15 miles of exploring beautiful country with my horses, dogs, family and friends. 566.15 miles of cowboy boots and campfires and of course –the ever present can of Beanee Weenee’s. 

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