Saturday, April 20, 2019

Trail Log: 4-20-2019

Jones and Dusty 

  • Trail: IMO - Training Ride - Murphy Con Shae Rd. 
  • Miles: 9.33
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty (Circle 4)
  • Horses: J'Lo - Honor - Diesel 
  • Trail rating: 3.0 (left main trails/roads cross country - steep - rocky)

Notes: One of our better IMO runs. We found all 5 markers in under 3 hours and didn't get lost once. Not even turned around! I'm calling it an Easter miracle. :) We made it a little more difficult by cutting cross country as the crow fly's from marker #2 to #3. Otherwise, I would have given it a trail rating of 2.5 max. Chili and cornbread afterwards.

It rained all the way to camp and all the way home but managed to stay dry during the ride. An excellent IMO ride and a beautiful day.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Trail Log: 4-19-2019


Trail: Succor Creek -Davis Ranch - Power Line
Miles: 12.80
Ave mph: 3.1
Max mph: 16.9
Riders: Self - Lee - Cyndi - Becky - Greg
Horses: Jack - King - Rio - Thumper - Magic
Dogs: Hank - Shade (short pre-hike) Cash - Bella
Trail Rating: 3.2

Notes: Really fun day. Sunny sky's and warm temps. Was supposed to be 81° and very likely reached it. Met up with the Lee gang at the head of Hermit Gulch. I arrived early to take Shade on a shorter hike before the rest of them got in. 

Jack was full of himself and fell in love with a pretty blonde mare who was equally enamored with him. He did OK though  - despite being a ball of energy. Until he left me standing afoot while he dashed off after his woman - hobbles and all. That horse can run faster hobbled than some horses can without. I figured if he wanted to move his feet that bad, I'd let him. He thoroughly enjoys it when I give him the freedom to run. Not sure if he learned his lesson but he was less enthusiastic on the way back toward the mare. He's a fun horse to ride, for sure. Sometimes it's best to close your eyes, ride 'em like you stole 'em and hang on for the ride. 

The creek was ripping. Sunk almost to my knees and Jack is a tall horse.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Periwinkles to Prom Queen

 I scanned through hundreds of folders containing thousands of photos in search of the perfect one to commemorate my daughter’s birthday. I could have chosen from dozens of staged, posed shots of an exceptionally beautiful baby girl to the stunning woman she is today. I sifted through boxes of .35 mm images of photogenic pre-schooler to prom queen.

We didn’t have a lot of money. We didn’t have any money, to speak of. Just the two of us. A single mom and a kid some folks at the time called: “underprivileged.” After-all, what could a kid, raised by a single mom with no formal higher-education expect to accomplish in this world? Any damn thing she desires. I say that now – 30 some years later ….at the time, it hurt. If you are not careful, a person can begin to believe the words of others. I thank God and a pinch of tenacity I stopped listening.

We didn’t have the resources to go to Disney Land, take real vacations or buy fancy toys. An outing for us was a little different than others I suspect. If we had the money, we would stop at Eddy’s day old bread factory for a loaf to feed the ducks at the park. We would walk around the pond making up stories about each duck; what their life was like and who they would be if they were people.

The ducks in the pond gave me a kind of hope as well. I figured no matter how bad things got – we could always come down here and kill us a duck for dinner. I laugh at that now – at the time I was quite serious. I never could see how people went hungry in the city with all the slow moving water fowl that weren’t at all afraid of people.  Need toilet paper? Public restrooms are full of it.

One image caught my eye. Athena is maybe 4 years old. We are filthy, soak-and-wet, smelling like fish guts and smiling from ear to ear. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I chose this picture because to me it reflects a lot of what our life was and who my daughter has become.

The picture was taken on one of our more extravagant outings. We had enough gas to go “home” for the weekend. Home at that time was Halfway Oregon. We drove toward Summit Lookout until we found a suitable spot to pull over. We took the fishing gear we borrowed from my dad and commenced to go fishing. It didn’t matter we had forgotten to get bait. Athena delighted in splashing in the creek turning over rocks, plucking periwinkles and stuffing them in her sandwich baggie (after she ate the peanut butter and jelly for lunch). Periwinkles make excellent bait. Getting them on a hook is a different story.

I can’t tell you if we caught any fish. I think we did. I remember smelling like we did. What I do remember is how much fun we had. Splashing in the creek. Hunting for periwinkles. Getting dirty from head to toe. Propping up my camera, setting it on self-timer and racing back to get in the photo and tripping over my own two feet multiple times before getting it done. If digital cameras were available back then – I sure didn’t have one. I was using the Minolta film camera I bought on lay-a-way at Ontario Camera. Is there even such a thing as lay-a-way anymore? I doubt it. I imagine the credit card has replaced the concept of receiving goods after they are paid for – even if it took 2 years.

When I see this picture, I don’t see a single mom, statistically preordained to amount to squat. I don’t see a child society has labeled “underprivileged” and destined to struggle throughout life. I see a little girl with the imagination to be entertained by a pond of ducks and the heart to spend her pennies on bread to feed them. I see a little girl who understands a person does not have to be wealthy to be rich. A little girl who is rich in love, kindness and compassion for others. I see a little girl who didn’t need the latest gadget to keep her entertained. I see a girl who could spend hours hunting periwinkles, making mud pies and laughing until her belly hurts, all without spending a dime.

I see my daughter and the person she has become. Beautiful inside and out. Her compassion and kindness for others has grown with her. Combined with faith in her Lord Jesus and the capacity to see the goodness in others is a powerful combination. Her ability to forgive and find patience with others far exceeds my own and leaves me humbled.

My daughter is a gift to me from God. I knew that the day she was born and I know it today. She is the substance that keeps our often bat-shit-crazy family together. She feels the emotional and spiritual pain of everyone around her. She seems to absorb it as if to do so would spare them from feeling it themselves. If I could take that one thing from her I would, but I cannot. I am not strong enough.

Happy Birthday Athena Marie. May you always remember that sometimes the best dinners are those you catch your-self.

Love Mom

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Happy Birthday Shade!


I was going to create a collage of 11 years in photos. I have a lot of photos of that dog. If I get started now, I may be done by her next birthday. For now, this handful will do. 

From the 9 mos. old puppy that threw up 4 times in my car the day I brought you home, to the pup that didn't really know how to be a real dog - to watching you BECOME a real dog. To my constant companion, protector and friend. 

It takes us both a little longer to get where we are going. To get back up once we get there and to get moving again; but we still get up - get moving and manage to get there, every time. On a good day, we are often blessed with a few adventures along the way. 

You had some big paws to fill and you have excelled in doing so. You never tried to cover his tracks...instead you made your own, equally irreplaceable, imprint across my heart. Happy Birthday Girl...too many more. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Trail Log: 4-13-2019

My photogenic girl

  • Trail: Grouse Creek - Steck Park
  • Miles: 5
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo
  • Dogs: Shade and Hank
  • Trail rating: 3.0

Notes: A short ride early Saturday morning before hunkering down for spring cleanup. Shade's birthday is technically Sunday - but since I'll be at a SRR meeting and practice I figured we'd celebrate it a little early. Grouse Creek is a nice hike for her. There is lots of water and brush. Mother nature even gifted her a big old leg bone of some sort. Presumably not human. :|
Shade found her a birthday bone!

Jack was feeling a bit on the spunky side. Definitely showing the green grass coming on. He will be 11 in a few days. You would think he was turning 3. Big goof.

Made it home in time to run two tanks of gas through the saw and whip up a batch of potato salad for tomorrow's potluck/practice/meeting ...and boy does my back feel it.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Trail Log: 4-6-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail - Galloway to Poison Ivy Rock
  • Miles: 5
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack - J'Lo
  • Dogs: Shade and Hank

Notes: Had J'Lo all loaded up and ready for shooting practice just in time to unload and put her away. Practice cancelled due to the rain. I figured I'd be all domestic and stay in the house. I baked a few cookies. Worked on some leather crafts for our IMO ride in September. Did a few dishes...domestic stuff sucks. It wasn't raining that hard. Before it became a habit, I thought I'd better load up the critters and hit the trail.  I rode Jack and ponied J'Lo. She will get a workout tomorrow during practice (indoor arena so little chance of being rained out.

We put in at Galloway dam. There were half a dozen rigs with boat trailers. I'd not seen that before. About a mile up the canyon an airplane buzzed us. I waved. The pilot tipped the wings and soared up the canyon. Kind of a pretty sight - I can imagine even prettier from where the pilot sat.

The wind and rain picked up at different times but nothing terrible. We turned around just above Poison Ivy Rock and headed home. About a mile from the trailers we met up with a young gal and her little kids. The oldest,  a boy about 3 years old, and the other a 5 week old baby! Jack turned on the charm and almost convinced the boy he might like to ride a horse. Maybe not today - but maybe if he could ride them back at the barn....or something. Then maybe he'd like to ride that horse.  The lady asked if we'd seen any rafters. Her husband was rafting with a group and should be back at the rigs any time. That answers the question about the half dozen rigs with boat trailers.

Cutest kid ever. Jack slobbered all over him, kissed the baby on top the head like he was running for office and we headed for home.