Sunday, April 14, 2019

Happy Birthday Shade!


I was going to create a collage of 11 years in photos. I have a lot of photos of that dog. If I get started now, I may be done by her next birthday. For now, this handful will do. 

From the 9 mos. old puppy that threw up 4 times in my car the day I brought you home, to the pup that didn't really know how to be a real dog - to watching you BECOME a real dog. To my constant companion, protector and friend. 

It takes us both a little longer to get where we are going. To get back up once we get there and to get moving again; but we still get up - get moving and manage to get there, every time. On a good day, we are often blessed with a few adventures along the way. 

You had some big paws to fill and you have excelled in doing so. You never tried to cover his tracks...instead you made your own, equally irreplaceable, imprint across my heart. Happy Birthday Girl...too many more. 

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