Monday, October 21, 2019

Trail Log: 10-18-2019

Linda and Mildred

  • Trail: Squaw Creek area above Ola
  • Miles: 13.31
  • Riders: Self - Linda E. Mildred B.
  • Horses: Jack and J - Ranger - Profit

Notes: My first big game hunting excursion! I've bird hunted - bow hunted a little - but never carried a rifle. Linda E. invited me along with her and her mom, Mildred, to hunt with them. Mildred, at 86, carries a rifle but doesn't feel she can see well enough to shoot. Linda scoped her eye a couple years ago tearing the membranes in her face. Understandably, she is not comfortable shooting. I grabbed my .257 my dad gave me - ran down to Bi-Mart for ammo and accepted the invitation. I haven't shot a high powered rifle since I was a kid. I loaded up the dogs and a box of ammo and headed for Steck Park to sight in my rifle. At 2 bucks a round - I shot three times. Hit a paper plate at 150-200 yards and called it good.

The hunting trip was a blast. We saw plenty of game. Nothing legal to shoot - but I was able to practice sighting in on a big doe. No matter how long I scoped that deer she did not grow antlers. But...I'm more confident I can hit one if it's no more than 300 yards away.

We came back a day early due to a storm. Wanted to get our trucks/trailers off the mountain before the snow got any deeper. It was scary as shit - but we made it.

I left/lost my dads old Case knife somewhere on the trail. Not use to wearing a belt and I didn't fasten it and the knife slipped off. About makes me sick to my stomach. I've found stuff I've lost before and I'm fairly certain I know where it came off. Going back the end of the week to retrieve it and make one more hunt. I will bring back Dad's knife AND the fixings for venison stew to boot.

Blog to follow.

Click for more pictures

Everything I have on belonged to my dad. I sure miss him

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