- Trail: Weiser River Trail - Fruitvale TH
- Miles: 9.25
- Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
- Horses: Jack - Raycine - Rooster
- Dogs: Hank
Notes: Jones and Dusty are going to keep Shade for me while I go Jeeping with my sister. She's just too uncomfortable in it and getting her in and out is a bit of a chore. I dropped her off at their place and threw in with them. Something is amiss with my truck. It's pulling to the right and acts like the right front wheel is about to fall off. Time to take it in to Quality soon as I get back....not taking that thing any farther until it's fixed.
We hauled to Fruitvale. We avoided the detour by hauling up to the bridge TH. Quite a few bicyclist coming and going. A lot of wildlife in the area. Four mule deer and a handful of grouse. There was bear poop everywhere. Some really big piles. It wasn't long before the culprit jogged across the trail in front of us. The horses paid less attention to it than they did the cows and goat we encountered earlier. I didn't get my camera out fast enough so the sighting goes the way of the elusive Sasquatch and Lock Ness.
The Cabin for lunch and home to get ready for a week of jeep'in (and praying my truck isn't going to cost a fortune to fix)
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