Sunday, July 3, 2022

Trail Log: 7-2-2022


Got sidetracked and off trail to check out the wildflowers

  • Trail: Clear  Creek - Sno-Park - Halfway Oregon
  • Miles: 4.4
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack
  • Dogs: Hank

Notes: Finally....some time in the saddle outside of the arena. I've been focused on building fence and putting in a round corral since I've been back in Eastern Oregon for the summer. It's pretty much rained non-stop since I got here; which actually isn't a bad thing. I haven't had to mess with irrigation and my arena dirt is perfect. Everything is green for sure. 

I finished my fencing project, it has stopped raining for the most part and the temperatures are rising. It was time to load up and head for the hills. 

I'm much better at building fence than I ever wanted to be

Jack has been pretty lonely since Drifter has been in Prineville at the trainer. He was happy to get out of the arena and into the cool mountains. We kept it short and tried to stay out of the rocks as best we could. His feet  aren't what they should be yet and I don't want to risk him pulling a shoe - he still doesn't have much in the way of heel but it's getting there. 


  1. Welcome back to Crazy State of Oregon. Hope Jack gets back to "normal" soon.
