Saturday, August 3, 2024

Trail Log: 7-24-2024

(L-R) Mark - Me - Lee


  • Trail: Sugarloaf - Deadman - Fish Lake
  • Miles: 8.35    
  • Riders: Self - Majella - Darrel - Lee - Mark 
  • Horses: Drifter - Jack - Sorrel - Douglas - Leah
  • Dogs: Groot

Notes: Finally got my sister to ride with me. She rode Jack and I rode Drifter. It was great being able to take both horses. Darrel M. picked us up at my place and we hauled up to where Lee and the group are camped. I missed being able to camp there all week but it fell on the week my kids were all coming to visit. We opted for a fairly easy ride since Majella hasn't ridden in years. Drifter is barefoot but I didn't even have to put his boots on. His feet held up nicely. I've been shaping them myself and putting a mustang roll on the toes. Seems to be working. It's still smoky everywhere but it was a few degrees cooler in the mountains. 

We saw a nice herd of elk with a couple of bulls in the mix. The lupin was not as vibrant as the last couple of years but still present. 

Mo and the BW's

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