Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Loading up the scout and moving to BLOGGER!

I am moving from a "pay-for-cost-way-to-much domain/blog" to a free site. I've submitted all my active subscribers already. I did not bother with those that were unverified and they are/were probably spammers anyway. :)

I will keep the old WordPress site "The Sagewriter" active for a month or so before decommissioning it.

I am not automatically exporting all my old WordPress content into blogger at this time. Maybe later when I get all ambitious. In the meantime - I will post new content and re-post old content as time goes on...and that is one thing we can count on; time does go on....

Please be patient as I post new content and figure out the new format (new to me) of How hard can it be, right?