- Trail: Succor Creek - Power Line canyon
- Miles: 5.52
- Ave mph: 3.2
- Max mph: 6.9
- Riders: Self - Ralph
- Horses: Jack and Rosie the Mule
- Dogs: Hank and Shade. Took Shade on a smaller, pre ride. She would have made this ride but I didn't know for sure where or how long we were going to be out.
Notes: I hope when I'm 80 years old - Ralph will still want to ride with me. I sent him and Sharon a text that I was going to haul to Succor Creek and ride. Sharon had other plans. Ralph saddled up Rosie and threw in with me and Jack.
We wandered around the Succor Creek canyon/Power line trail. Instead of heading downstream the usual route - we veered off and went up-stream to see where it goes. We looped around until I was totally turned around. I swear, I have the worst sense of direction on the planet. Ralph pointed - "The trailer is that way." I look around trying to get my bearings. I felt the trailers were directly opposite. As we trod down a trail that I swear I've ridden before - I ask Ralph again: "Are you sure the trailer isn't over there? This trail looks familiar, but..." Ralph grins: "I bet if you look down you will see mule tracks." Sure enough - we were back on the trail we came in on. No wonder the damn thing looked familiar. I swear....
I'm never really lost - I just wander with purpose.
I'm never really lost - I just wander with purpose.
We cut the ride a little short since the one trail ended at a dead end. Literally. There was something dead across the fence a giant buzzard/vulture looking thing was scavenging. Besides - I'm still a little sore from moving hay, splitting wood and digging for the septic lid. I did find the septic lid - after my neighbor called me a quitter for saying I was just going to pay the septic guy to dig it up. Actually, I found two lids. I do not tolerate being called a quitter. With the $150.00 bucks I saved I am buying a shiny new shovel - a roping rein for shooting shotgun and a case of Constant Comment Green tea.
As our routine dictates - we stopped at the Mirage for berry pie and tea/coffee served up by the perky waitress in the heavy cat-eye liner that only should could pull off in Adrian Oregon.
As our routine dictates - we stopped at the Mirage for berry pie and tea/coffee served up by the perky waitress in the heavy cat-eye liner that only should could pull off in Adrian Oregon.
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