- Trail: WRT - Galloway toward town
- Miles: 8.0
- Max MPH: 22
- Riders: Self
- Horse: J'Lo
- Dogs: Hank
Notes: Don't usually go toward town on the WRT. I went this way as there seems to be less gopher/badger holes and I wanted to see if J would stretch her legs out at a faster run. I think it helped a little - she still has a weird shutdown...bunny hops in the back-end when she goes to slow down from a run. Weird.
Isn't much to see heading west on the trail toward civilization...unless you count the zebra. The zebra and the miniature Brahma bull. Oh ...and the emu. The zebra, the miniature Brahma bull and the emu. If encountering a zebra or an emu on the trail doesn't get you killed - a miniature Brahma bull certainly will.
I'm pretty sure J saw the zebra - even though it dashed into the willows to conceal itself. She couldn't miss the emu. It....bounced? Bounded? I can't describe it's movement - something between a giraffe and Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Scared the shit out of me - but J was more focused on something trotting toward us on the other side of the trail resembling a hunch back pig. Apparently it was more terrifying than a stripped horse and a mutant, feathered giraffe. I've come to the conclusion that J is terrified of everything miniature. Ponies ...hates 'em. Mini's...nope. Mini pulling a cart...not happening.
We managed to make it to the trailer without stroking out...barely.
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