Monday, February 19, 2024

Trail Log: 2-17-2024


Sharon, Elli and Sally 

Trail: Aguila - State Land

Miles 5

Riders: Self

Horses: Jack

Notes: My birthday came and went uneventfully. I took the dogs for a decent hike in the morning. We hiked 5 miles to above the power line road. It was somewhat of a relief to know I could still manage it.  I haven't hiked since "COVID Christmas" AND apparently I'm old now. 60. I can't even wrap my head around that number. It's not the aging process that freaks me out. When you aren't one of the "beautiful" people to begin with  - a few wrinkles and white hairs don't scare you. It's not the's the lack of time you have left that's bothersome. Possibly why I haven't been blogging...I'd rather be out doing while the doing's still an option. 

Later in the afternoon, Jack took me on our annual birthday ride. I decided to try out an endurance saddle I've been packing around. It belonged to a friend who passed a couple of years ago. Sharon was an endurance rider. She rode the 100 mile Tevis in her late 50's. The saddle is lightweight and super comfortable. Jack moved really well in it. It's about as close to riding bareback without actually being bareback. The stirrup leathers hang in the perfect forward position for me. I plan on using it more often.

 I miss Sharon. I miss Dusty - another friend that passed recently. Jack wears a headstall and a set of stirrups that belonged to Dusty. It sort of felt like my friends were riding along with me. Small consolation for the loss of the people we love...but it's something.   

Dusty on Jack

Trail Log: 2-18-2024

Dan and Tater

  • Trail: Little Horn Peak - Tiger Wash area
  • Miles: 4.24
  • Riders: Self - Dan
  • Horses: Jack - Tater
  • Dogs: Groot

Notes: Took Dan to an area he hadn't been. The deep sandy washes are good for young horses. Tater hadn't been ridden for a couple of weeks so I hauled us out to the wash for a good workout. He did great. It's starting to warm up so Hank opted to stay home. Groot handles the heat well but apparently got bored being the only dog and disappeared for a bit.  One minute he was there - the next gone. We turned back and I whistled loud enough to wake the dead. Picked up his tracks going with us and then heading back the other direction. We rounded a big bend in the wash and there he worse for wear. Wasn't panting or acting like he'd been chasing anything; just standing there like he was waiting for us to return. Not sure what was up with that. He's one dog I will never figure out. 

Where have YOU been?

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Trail Log: 2-13-2024



  • Trail: Little Horn Peak Rd. 
  • Miles: 4.62
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Jack - Twister
  • Dogs: Groot - Pearl

Notes: Went back to explore the area we hit previously to look for more treasure. We rode up to an old mining area. The closest I can see on the map is "Black Queen Mine." Some of the "caves" drop down what seems like forever. I dropped a rock in one and you could hear it tumbling on down for a LONG time. The chute has been boarded off as a warning. It's an interesting area - I'd like to learn more of how they actually mined that area. It looks like they cut narrow backhoe width trenches straight through solid rock with bottomless chutes here and there. 

We left the mine and wandered up the wash. The horses spooked at an old ironwood snag in the middle of the wash like it was going to eat them. A bit further up the wash above us we spotted this monstrosity of a structure I can't even explain without posting a picture of it. From a distance it looks like a cool old burned tree. We rode up to it and found it to be a man-made sculpture. It has a wire base and frame all wrapped in pool noodles and paper. I have no idea how long it's been there or why. The first thing that popped into my head was a movie prop. Maybe...The weirdest part is the horses never batted an eye at it. Go figure

Groot and Pearl come to rescue me from the "pit"

Trail Log: 1-27-2024


  • Trail: Aguila - State Land - Burro Canyon
  • Miles: 7.63    
  • Riders: Self - Dan
  • Horses: Jack - Bullseye
  • Dogs: Groot - Hank

Notes: We long trotted/Loped/Ran a loop behind the 1st tank and dropped in to Burro Canyon from the top. It felt SO GOOD to let Jack out and run for a little bit. Burro Canyon is my favorite spot in the immediate area. I even saw some burro tracks...haven't seen the actual burros yet but it's nice to know they are back in the area. 

Dan and Bullseye


Phil holding Drifter whilst I go spelunking


  • Trail: Little Big Horn Peak - Tiger Wash
  • Miles: 4   
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Drifter - Twister
  • Dogs: Groot - Pearl

Notes: Short on miles but long on treasures! Hauled north up Eagle Eye road to Little Big Horn Peak Rd. and unloaded. Explored the area and found lots of treasures! A cool old wooden headboard I'm going to make into a sign - a rusty bucket and....(drum roll) a very cool fire ring! I probably pilfered somebody's heirloom they built 50 years ago for their annual family camp-out. I felt a little guilty...but not guilty enough to leave it behind. The thing is made out of concrete sections - each weighing over 100lbs. My penance for the wanton act of  theft is my back may never be the same. It was worth it. 

Trail Log: 1-25-2024


Dan and Tater

  • Trail: State Land - Aguila 
  • Miles: 4.57
  • Riders: Self - Dan
  • Horses: Jack - Tater
  • Dogs: Groot

Notes: Quick trot/lope out my back gate onto state land. 

Trail Log: 1-18-2024

  • Trail: West 60 - Harquahala TH area to my house
  • Miles: 6
  • Riders: Self - Phil
  • Horses: Drifter - Twister
  • Dogs: Hank - Groot - Pearl

Notes: Boy, I am way behind of my trail logs. These are going to be short, sweet and likely not 100% accurate as I only have my photos to go by. 

We hauled West on 60 and put in at the edge of the Harquahala range - rode east on the powerline road to my property and went back in the Jeep to pick up Phil's truck/trailer. I stopped once to put Drifter's boots on him but he's outgrown them. He didn't really need them anyway - he has nice feet. We ran into Blair and Cheri out treasure hunting on their side-by-side. Cheri offered the dogs some water....Drifter drank most of it out of the little dog dish. Goofy horse.