Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trail Log: 11-12-2018

  • Trail: Sutton Ranch - Midvale
  • Miles: 7.63
  • Ave mph: 3.0
  • Max mph: 13.2
  • Riders: Self - Ralph and Victor Craig
  • Horses: J'Lo - Rosie the mule and Paint gelding
  • Dogs: Matt the cow dog

Notes: Ralph helps Sutton's gather and move cows quite a bit. I've hesitated going in the past. I don't know how to properly work cows and fear being in the way. After surviving the previous days cattle drive - I figured I might as well give it another shot. I woke up with a massive headache and the pre-flu ache. Fresh air couldn't hurt my situation so I saddle up J'Lo and met Ralph at the end of my drive by 9:30 sharp...hoping Ralph didn't notice I was about to lose my morning bowl of oatmeal.

We would be meeting Victor, another rancher who also rides for Sutton's, at Country Cabin in Midvale - downed a cup of coffee and tea and headed for corrals off Farm to Market Rd. east of Midvale.

We were looking for five pairs. Three pair were last spotted on Deep creek - the other two pair somewhere out Pole Creek. We found the three pair easy enough with a spare calf to boot. Donning a pink ear-tag, I asked if I could keep it. I shall name it Norman. Victor said sure...as long as you don't mind swinging from the wrong end of a rope for cattle rustling. Bummer.

 Driving them down the old dirt road was about as peaceful a feeling as a person can experience. We locked them in the corral and heading toward Pole Creek in search of the other two pair. Beautiful country - but no cows. Ralph rode the top of the ridge, Victor the middle and I headed cross country to see if I could spot them farther north. I found a fresh, well used cow trail but no cows. There is a lot of country out there. I would like to have kept looking when I thought I heard somebody holler at me. I trotted J back to Ralph and Victor waiting on the ridge. 

Two men out turkey hunted met us at the wire gate. One opened the gate for us. Victor asked if they'd seen any cows. They had not. They asked if we'd seen any turkeys. Ralph replied: Just three out looking for cows. They didn't get it. I need to remember to right down what I call: "Ralph'ism's" He has some pretty good ones at times. :)

Back at the corral, Victor loaded the cows we did manage to gather into his trailer, threw his big paint into Ralph's trailer and drove to the "big barn" to unload. Coolest barn ever. I really, really want a barn like that.

The three of us met Sharon, Ralph's better half,  back at Country Cabin for hot beef noodle soup and a fistful of ibuprofen out of Ralph's saddle bags. It was here I was introduced to the infamous John G. What a character.

I was so hungry I went back for a second helping. On my way to the soup station, I mentioned that my little bowl of oatmeal at 5:00 am that morning had long worn off. John G. said he ate a lot of oatmeal, too...with butter and honey on it. I like butter...I like honey. Maybe I would try that sometime. 

I have a hard time letting go of something once I get started. I would have kept looking for them two pair all night. I was assured that if they were down there somewhere - they would go back another day from the bottom and get them out. I hope they invite me again.

I smiled this morning as I drizzled honey over a bowl of steaming oatmeal dotted with real butter and thought of Victor, my good friends Ralph and Sharon and my new friend, the infamous John G.

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