- Trail: Steck Park - Grouse Creek
- Miles: 3
- Riders: Self
- Horses: J'Lo
- Dogs: Shade and Hank
Notes: Trying to ride three horses is a pain in the butt. Fun..but difficult. It was J'Lo's turn to get out of the arena for a quick ride. I picked a draw I hadn't ridden before. There were no fences or orange painted private property rocks so we went for it. We rode up Grouse Creek (according to my GPS) until we came to a wire gate. It didn't appear to be private property on the other side but I turned back anyway. As soon as the sun starts to drop, so does the temperature! Three miles is a little disappointing when you hauled 15 miles to get there. But - with the shorter days you take what you can get. We made the best of those three miles by cutting cross country - straight up and over rocky terrain and sheer ledges. I rode until I ran out of sunlight. I hiked part of three miles to try out my new riding/hiking boots. My feet didn't give out so I guess they will do.Three miles was enough for the dogs without water anyway. J'Lo seems most content when we ride alone. Even with Jack she will pin those ears back and act like she hates the world. When I take her out solo - she bops right along, ears forward and happy as a clam. How do you know if a clam is happy anyway? Anybody ever ask one? At least with a horse you can sort of tell by there ears and eyes...but a clam?
I'll be going back up this direction. It was pretty country and besides - I left my favorite gloves up there somewhere!
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