Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mountain Santa

Several years ago - I wrote a Christmas story using my Grandson and other family members and friends/acquaintances as characters in the story. I've since learned that it has become a tradition in several families to read the story to their children/grandchildren. As a writer - that is the coolest thing least to me.

I came close to not finishing Mountain Santa. In the middle of writing, my granddaughter Sophia was in a serious accident that almost took her from us. I couldn't bring myself to work on the story. Sophia's character in my story was fighting for her life as the real Sophia was being flown to the Children's Hospital in Denver with an all to real fight of her own.  I didn't finish the story until our Pork Chop was fully recovered.

As each character in Mountain Santa is based on a real character in my life - I've often been asked the true identity of Nicolai Clausen. Yes - Nicolai was/is very much real. As for his true must first believe in the magic of Christmas to figure that one out.

The story originally existed on my old blog and I never thought to move it from Word Press to Blogger. I've recently been asked to please post the story to my newer blog. it is again...Mountain Santa:

Click here to download Mountain Santa

Trail Log: 12-22-2019

Rob and Payette

  • Trail: Little Willow
  • Miles: 4
  • Riders: Self - Rob @ 
  • Horses: Jack - Payette
  • Dogs: Hank - Shade (shorter hike)

Notes: It was too pretty to not saddle up. Blue skies, sunshine and 50°. I chanced taking Jack. He is still a little tender footed. I tried to pick an area that wasn't too rocky and had some sand to it. We picked Little Willow. It's a shorter haul so you don't mind cutting a ride short if need be. The ground was pretty slimy in spots, icy in others and sandy in some. I didn't want to push it so we cut the ride short at 4 miles. Even so, it felt great to be out and about. I'll lay Jack off until we head to Arizona where I'll have them both shod. His vet found a small bruise on his left toe but doesn't think he's abscessed. I couldn't help noticed it appears I live in a polar belt. Everywhere around me is snow-free zone while we are still covered in the white stuff. I'd call it the white menace - but we really do need the moisture.

A short hike for the dogs. Hardly any snow out there. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Trail Log: 12-10-2019


  • Trail: Steck Park area
  • Miles: 1.34
  • Horses: J'Lo and Jack
  • Riders: Self
  • Dogs: Shade and Hank

Notes: Well, bummer - Jack is pretty gimpy. I just had their shoes pulled - I assume that's it...although he's never been tender before. Might be due to him walking on ice stilts on the WRT the other day. Maybe both. Praying it's just tender footed and temporary. Not use to my tough pony being laid up. :(

I rode J and ponied Jack  - he did ok on the really soft, mushy stuff. We cut it REALLY short. He didn't even want to unload out of the trailer. Gave him some butte and will lay him off until he's back to his sure footed self. Poor baby - you can tell it in his eyes he's sore.

These short rides are discouraging. Not a fan of winter. Think I'll go kick rocks and eat worms. :(

Sort footed pony

Trail Log: 12-5-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail
  • Miles: 2
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack
  • Dogs: Shade and Hank

Notes: Weather wasn't real promising but I had to run to town anyway so threw Jack in the trailer and got in a quick ride. Poor horse ended up walking on ice stilts most of the way so we cut it short. Time to pull shoes

Trail Log: 11-21-2019

  • Trail: Eaton Rd. - Hog Crk. 
  • Miles: 2.77
  • Riders: Self - Sharon 
  • Horses: Jack - Eli
  • Dogs: Shade - Hank - Ben - Roland - Sally 

Notes: Getting in a few short rides weather permitting.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Trail Log: 11-18-2019

  • Trail: Indian Head
  • Miles: 4.3
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: J'Lo
  • Dog's: Shade and Hank

Notes: Needed a quick ride within a short hauling distance. Tried out a trail I'd not ridden before that panned out pretty good. Ran straight up Indian Head. The steep incline made up for the short distance...much to J'Lo's dismay. We took it pretty easy due to Shade being along and J' has an intermittent cough. Seems like she always gets one this time of year.

After downloading my tracks - it looks like I can connect this trail with a couple others I've ridden up there and make some nice, longer loops.

Record high temps make for a beautiful day to ride - but winter is lurking around the bend. Arizona or bust?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Trail Log: 11-15-2019

  • Trail: WRT
  • Miles: 5.87
  • Ave mph: 3.5
  • Max mph: 21.8
  • Riders: Self
  • Horse: Jack
  • Dogs: Hank - Shade (shorter hike)

Notes: Hard not to climb in the saddle when it's so nice out. I needed to run to town for diesel. If I could grow my own diesel (and twinkies), I'd never go into town. I made the trip worth it by loading up Jack for a quick jog on the WRT.

I let him pick his speed on a couple of straight stretches not littered with gopher holes. I clocked him out at 21.8 mph effortless stride. We ran out of trail before asking him for more. The WRT is practically concrete  - so probably not a good idea. One of these day's we will head out to the Owyhee's and find a wide, dirt road to race on.

My dream barn

Monday, November 11, 2019

Trail Log: 11-9-2019

Trail: Twin Springs Rd to Nyssa (Twilight)
Miles: 11.4
Max mph: 18.5
Riders: Self - Lee - various others
Horses: J'Lo - Prince - various others

Notes: I had the last week pretty well planned out as far as what/where I was riding. Things seldom work out as planned so shuffled the deck and played the hand that was dealt. Turned out pretty good. Bagged a couple organized rides and took up an invite to help move cows on Saturday. I've only moved cows a few other times. Sometimes it can be chaos. This gather was fairly well organized. We did pretty good. I took J'Lo - thinking I might be moving cows on Jack the next day on a much longer drive. J did fine.

J and I found a stray calf even. We brought it in to the sorting pen. Either it, or it's brother - escaped the sorting and took off after who knows what. I was the only one outside the sorting pen on horseback so J and I took off after it. We almost had it turned but ran up on a badger hole land mine and had to pull up. The calf squirted through the fence and took off. I figured it wasn't worth breaking a leg or neck. About the same time, a gal took off after another calf and her horse fell in a hole and flipped ass-over-teakettle on her. Luckily, neither horse nor rider were seriously hurt.

Beautiful country - I miss living in the Owyhee's.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Trail Log: 11-7-2019

  • Trail: Hwy 201 - Loves Res. Rd. 
  • Miles: 15.90
  • Ave mph: 3.5
  • Max mph: 17.3
  • Riders: Self - Patty D. 
  • Horses: Jack - Mocha 
  • Dogs: Hank

Notes: One of the most enjoyable days in the saddle in a long time. Was able to let the horses stretch out for a good run. Patty was familiar with the area from moving cows over the years but had not been to Loves Res., we went.

It's not who you are, it's who you take riding with you and I picked an excellent riding partner this day. Patty shared her lunch of fresh vegetables - pepper jack cheese and green olives stuffed with garlic and jalapenos to die for. Beat the heck out of my jerky and Beanee Weenee's. Patty said not to get use to it though - she didn't make a habit of eating this well on the trail. I think she's fibbing - besides, I'd ride with her even if all she brought was brussel sprouts. *shudder*

Jack and Mocha are a great team. Jack can sometimes be a handful if your loping down the trail with another horse - everything is a race to him and he feels the need to keep out in front despite attempts to rein him in. Him and Mocha ran side by side and Jack didn't seem as anxious to outrun her and let me pull him in when asked. Proud of my pony.

If it weren't for the shorter days we'd probably still be out there.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Trail Log: 11-6-2019

  • Trail: Eaton - Private Property
  • Miles: 3.8
  • Riders: Self - Sharon
  • Horses: J'Lo and Elli
  • Dog's - Ben - Rolland - Sally and Annie

Notes: A quick ride to check out a place to ride after getting permission from the landowner. It's close to home and has some potential.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trail Log: 11-5-2019

  • Trail: WRT - Galloway toward town
  • Miles: 8.0
  • Max MPH: 22
  • Riders: Self
  • Horse: J'Lo
  • Dogs: Hank

Notes: Don't usually go toward town on the WRT.  I went this way as there seems to be less gopher/badger holes and I wanted to see if J would stretch her legs out at a faster run. I think it helped a little - she still has a weird shutdown...bunny hops in the back-end when she goes to slow down from a run. Weird.

Isn't much to see heading west on the trail toward civilization...unless you count the zebra. The zebra and the miniature Brahma bull. Oh ...and the emu. The zebra, the miniature Brahma bull and the emu. If encountering a zebra or an emu on the trail doesn't get you killed - a miniature Brahma bull certainly will.

I'm pretty sure J saw the zebra - even though it dashed into the willows to conceal itself. She couldn't miss the emu. It....bounced? Bounded? I can't describe it's movement - something between a giraffe and Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Scared the shit out of me - but J was more focused on something trotting toward us on the other side of the trail resembling a hunch back pig. Apparently it was more terrifying than a stripped horse and a mutant, feathered giraffe. I've come to the conclusion that J is terrified of everything miniature. Ponies ...hates 'em. Mini's...nope. Mini pulling a cart...not happening.

We managed to make it to the trailer without stroking out...barely.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trail Log: 11-1-2019

  • Trail: Hwy 201 to Loves Res. 
  • Miles: 10.8
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: J'Lo and Jack
  • Dogs: Hank - Shade stayed in trailer after shorter hike

Notes: Haven't ridden across the freeway this year. Took advantage of the warmer weather to leg up the horses. Rode J in and Jack out. Jack was feeling his oats on the way home. That horse has some power and would really like to run flat out. Dragging J'Lo behind hinders us both - she gets pissy and tries to bite at him while we are sprinting across the desert 9-0. I'm going to stop towing a horse as much  and ride each of them separate before we get into a wreck.

The reservoir was more full than I've seen it in years - maybe ever.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Trail Log: 10-24-2019

Glassing the meadow 

  • Trail: Squaw Creek - Mill Creek Summit
  • Miles: 19.89
  • Riders: Self - Linda E
  • Horses: Jack and Ranger
  • Trail Rating: 2.8

Notes: Went back up the mountain to hunt for game and my dads knife I'd lost the week before. We planned to drive up Wednesday evening and put the horses in Bev's corrals - then haul up to the Summit and saddle up. We missed the gate to the corrals and ended up camping along Squaw Creek. It worked out better being close to the creek for the horses to water.

We were up early Thursday morning  - drove to the summit and took off on horseback. We decided to hunt for deer on the way up to the base of Buck Mountain where I felt I most likely lost my dads knife. If my knife wasn't there - we would hunt for it as we came back down.

If anyone doubts the power of prayer - they aren't paying much attention. Every step we took - every misstep - the weather - the conditions of the trail...from the closing of one season to the opening of the next. From Linda's familiarity of the mountain, to getting a little turned around -  to my GPS reading -  everything led us to spotting that knife where we least expected it...not 1/4 way from where we first noticed it missing. With knife in hand - we were able to spend the majority of the day hunting game and enjoying the mountain. We both knew that Dad and Devon rode the trail with us, keeping us safe and making sure we found that knife.

Dads knife

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trail Log: 10-18-2019

Linda and Mildred

  • Trail: Squaw Creek area above Ola
  • Miles: 13.31
  • Riders: Self - Linda E. Mildred B.
  • Horses: Jack and J - Ranger - Profit

Notes: My first big game hunting excursion! I've bird hunted - bow hunted a little - but never carried a rifle. Linda E. invited me along with her and her mom, Mildred, to hunt with them. Mildred, at 86, carries a rifle but doesn't feel she can see well enough to shoot. Linda scoped her eye a couple years ago tearing the membranes in her face. Understandably, she is not comfortable shooting. I grabbed my .257 my dad gave me - ran down to Bi-Mart for ammo and accepted the invitation. I haven't shot a high powered rifle since I was a kid. I loaded up the dogs and a box of ammo and headed for Steck Park to sight in my rifle. At 2 bucks a round - I shot three times. Hit a paper plate at 150-200 yards and called it good.

The hunting trip was a blast. We saw plenty of game. Nothing legal to shoot - but I was able to practice sighting in on a big doe. No matter how long I scoped that deer she did not grow antlers. But...I'm more confident I can hit one if it's no more than 300 yards away.

We came back a day early due to a storm. Wanted to get our trucks/trailers off the mountain before the snow got any deeper. It was scary as shit - but we made it.

I left/lost my dads old Case knife somewhere on the trail. Not use to wearing a belt and I didn't fasten it and the knife slipped off. About makes me sick to my stomach. I've found stuff I've lost before and I'm fairly certain I know where it came off. Going back the end of the week to retrieve it and make one more hunt. I will bring back Dad's knife AND the fixings for venison stew to boot.

Blog to follow.

Click for more pictures

Everything I have on belonged to my dad. I sure miss him

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Trail Log: 10-12-2019

  • Trail: Steck Park - Boat Ramp to Crazy Lady Creek
  • Miles: 6.88
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo
  • Dogs: Shade and Hank

Notes: Pretty day on the Snake. The Sumac is on fire with the fall coloring. Shade went the entire distance! It's a steep climb in and out. I was worried but kept checking on her. I swapped horses at Crazy Lady Creek and when I did - I dropped my phone. Climbed to the top of CLC before I realized it so had to go back for it. I really worried about Shade but she didn't want to wait for me at the top and hiked back with me. I figured she wouldn't be able to move this morning. She's stiff - but moving better than I expected and is still climbing the stairs to lay under my desk as I post this. I wish every month was October and dogs never grew old.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Trail Log: 10-8-2019

  • Trail: WRT - ShoePeg - North toward Cambridge
  • Miles: 6.60
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: Jack - Honor - Raycine
  • Dogs: Hank - Savannah - Dealer

Notes: Put in at Shoepeg and rode north toward Cambridge. Tried to find a place to cross the river to the trail on the other side but failed. The grass was so tall and thick you could not tell what was underneath. You would ride along and drop into a hole like the bottom just fell out from under you. Kind of creepy so opted to stay on the mail trail and ride back the way we came.

Came upon several of those rocks people paint and leave for you to take and move somewhere else. I need to start doing that - it is kind of fun.

Stopped at Mann Creek Cafe on the way home for lunch and split a raspberry cheesecake chimichanga thing to die for.

Trail Log: 10-2-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail - Shoepeg to Midvale
  • Miles: 9.7
  • Riders: Self - Athena
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo
  • Dogs: Hank (Shade in trailer)

Notes: A much needed break from the pain and sorrow over the last few weeks. Losing grandma at 97 was one thing - but the unexpected loss of my dad was pretty hard to take.

Athena hasn't ridden much since she was a little girl. She rode J'Lo and I rode Jack. We had a blast. It was breathtaking beauty all around. The weather was ideal...fall colors everywhere. We put in at Shoepeg and rode to Midvale, tied the horses to the hitching post and had lunch at The Cabin. A wonderful day we both needed.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trail Log: 9-24-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail
  • Miles: 10.35
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack and J'Lo
  • Dogs: Hank and Shade (shorter hike)


Took the horses and dogs for a ride on the WRT since I couldn't come up with a better plan. I usually ride Jack in and J out. J is getting to be a pain in the butt to pony. She stops unexpectedly for whatever reason...which wouldn't be that big of a deal. Normally I can dally up and Jack drags her sorry ass along. However, the POS halter I had on her has a totally worthless Velcro fastener. Any tension on it and it pulls right off her face. It didn't take her long to figure that one out. Being her obstinate self - she plants all fours - about jerks my arm off - I dally up real quick and Jack throws his shoulders into it to drag her lard butt down the trail. The halter snaps off leaving her standing in the middle of the trail with a smug look on her face.

Today was not a good day to test my patience. I turn Jack around to gather her up and she  whirls around and takes off for home. Fine, you counterfeit red-headed bitch...Jack and I take off after her. She can't outrun Jack on his worst day - we catch her - gallop alongside her and I reach over and grab a hunk of her forelock. Now what? A nice heading rope would come in handy about now but I don't have one on me. I might have been able to slip the lead rope around her neck had it not been laying in the middle of the trail 100 yards up. I've seen a lot of bulldogging in my life and it looks like things were going that direction...only they have horns. No horns - no rope. Jack hazed her off the trail just so far before I pulled him up. No sense risking falling in a gopher hole or running into wire over it. I pulled up Jack and we let her go.

Jack and I head back up the trail, retrieving her halter. J stays about a quarter of a mile behind us trying to convince Jack to follow her by whining to him. Jack knows that if he whinnies back - I put him to work so he pretty much ignores her. Once we get almost out of sight - she trots after us. I stop and turn around to wait for her and she stops...turns around - and heads for home. Fine - go home you worthless nag. I bet you wouldn't even make good glue. That's it, run all the way home, I hope you fall in a gopher hole and break your leg but you damn well better not scratch up my saddle in the process.

We did this for about a mile. My only real concern was that she would run back to the trailers and somebody would find her and think she had a rider that was hurt somewhere. Jack and I discussed the matter and came up with a plan. If she could see us - she would stop or turn for home. When we were out of site - she would try and follow. I found a good straight stretch where she could see us and took off at a run up the trail - glancing back I could see the further we got from her - the more worried she got and would trot after us. I know this section of trail like the back of my hand. I would dive off the trail into a hole of sorts in some bushes that would put us out of her sight.

Jack and I waited in the bushes as J'Lo came running. I could see her - but she could not see us.  I was relieved to see her saddle was still on straight as she picked up speed. I think I might have a mean streak. I waited until she was directly across from us at a dead run. I jumped out of the bushes, threw my arms up and using my very best Sasquatch meats Satan yell, I commenced to scare the living shit out of her. She literally jumped the width of the road before catching site of Jack. She skid to a stop, whirled around and about knocked us both over trying to get back into her halter. Serves you right. Infuriating beast.

I hard tied the halter and we were back on the trail. It didn't take her more than a few times of balking and Jack about ripping her face off that she figured out she wouldn't be escaping again. Now when I ask for a trot or a lope from Jack - she's right there. She's cantankerous, but she's a fast learner.

I swapped horses at the second gate and headed back to the trail head at a long trot. I didn't get on Jack for biting her on the butt most of the way home.

Disclaimer. I really do like that mare. She's solid as they come. She takes care of my grand-kids. Anybody can ride her. She's an awesome shooting horse. She's amazing in the arena, etc...but she is the worst, most non-leading animal on the planet. I guess it's just something we need to work on.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Trail Log: 9-16-2019

  • Trail: Succor Creek Canyon
  • Miles: 7.15
  • Ave MPH: 3.4
  • Max MPH: 15
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: Jack - Honor - Diesel
  • Dogs: Hank - Savannah - Dealer (Shade at camp)

I have no words just yet. Heartbroken - sad - lonely and more than a little scared that our radical, bad-ass dad is not here to rescue us from the evils of this world. I inherited your terrible sense of direction and your nose (thanks dad ;) ) and as God is my witness, I will watch over our family, as you did, to my last breath. 

I love you

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Trail Log: 9-12-2019

Trail: Steck Park
Miles: 6.0
Riders: Self - Sharon
Horses: Jack - J'Lo - Elli
Dogs: Shade - Hank - Roland - Sally

Notes: Fall appears to be on it's way. It was cool enough in the morning I brought Shade along for the ride. She was so happy to go and did great. She amazes me for a dog her size, breed and age.

Rode Jack in and J'Lo out. We rode almost to Crazy Lady Creek. The rest of the way in is pretty steep and didn't want to overdo it for Shade.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Trail Log: 8-2019 to 9-7-2019

  • Trail: WRT - Grouse Creek - Lone Pine
  • Miles: 14
  • Riders: Self - Sharon
  • Horses: Jack - J'Lo - Elli
  • Dogs: Hank - Shade

Notes: Been on the go and got behind on posting my trail miles. Combining them in one post as best I can remember. I've been  taking short rides here and there in between working on putting in a shallow irrigation well, shooting practice and our last shoot for the year in Prineville.

I opted to donate the Prineville shoot and compete off Jack. Our times were better than I expected. I probably should have done time only's and competed off J'Lo - but I needed to get an actual shoot under our saddle so we can move forward. Jack did awesome under the pressure of an actual shoot. We only had one wonky run when I asked him for more speed than we were ready for. The first random 5 were spot on - then, turning the rundown barrel we got a little carried away - blew out the barrel - overcompensated - ran over/jumped the #7 target and ended up on the other side of the rundown. Jack didn't panic (can't say the same for his rider who got a little wide-eyed) - plowed through the target and continued on. Pretty proud of my pony.

 I did ride J'Lo for shotgun so she got a couple runs in as well. I don't think I've missed this many balloons since my first shoot but it was worth it.

During my morning walk with the dogs, we came upon a fire under the Lone Pine tree. Somebody had left a camp fire unattended. It was burning fairly deep in the soil/pine needles so I couldn't stomp it out. Called Lauman's and they ran their water truck to it and put it out. Stew and I went back and dug around it to make sure it was out and dragged away some dead, pitchy limbs from under it.

Been a busy, eventful couple of weeks for sure.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trail Log: 8-23-2019

  • Trail: Weiser River Trail
  • Miles: 14
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: J'Lo - Zeke - Raycine
  • Dogs: Hank - Savannah - Dealer

Notes: Rode almost to the Big Trestle. Met up with several bicyclist and 4 otter. The otter were more playful although the last male cyclist in the black and hot-pink spandex was definitely more colorful.

Tired of ponying - I opted to ride J'Lo that morning and head on over to Dan and Teri's in Emmett that evening with Jack. J'bird was a rock on the trail. She's a solid ride for sure. That afternoon in Emmett,  I shot three stages off Jack. He stayed calmed and collected through all three. I'm still having a hard time believing I have a second shooting horse. So very proud of him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Trail Log: 8-15-2019

Kitty training session

  • Trail: Lone Pine - Prineville Oregon
  • Miles: 6.26
  • Riders: Self
  • Horses: Jack and J
  • Dogs: Hank (Shade stayed in camp)

J waiting for Jack to get out of the arena
Notes: Went up to Prineville a few days before the Guns N Grub shoot in Oregon City. Spent the days prior with a one-on-one session with Kitty. Hiked and rode around the hills between arena work.

Headed to Guns N Grub Friday. Ended up winning Shotgun and clean shooter. Was pretty excited about the shotgun win - there were 12 shooters in my class (Ladies Limited). I ended up 4th in the overall shotgun (limited and open). I did win my class in the main match as well but since I was the only one in my class...well, that doesn't really count. I didn't safety up much though and was happy with my times AND I shot clean the entire weekend.

I thought about running a course on Jack but decided since this was the first real shoot I've had him at, I wouldn't push it. Planning on taking him to the Lone Pine shoot and leaving J at home. Once I'm comfortable competing off him - we can start to work on speed. For now - we are not going to try and be competitive...taking is sloooow.
The Lone Pine

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trail Log: 8-3-2019

  • Trail: White Clouds Wilderness
  • Miles: 26.4
  • Riders: Self - Janine - Kathy - Janelle - Lisa - Shelly
  • Horses: 12 total - too damn many 
  • Dogs: Hank, Chaps, Blue, Summer and Shy

Notes: Click here for the complete write-up: 

Six girls - 12 horses - 5 dogs and a Frenchman. You had to be the above link for the write up and the below link for the pictures. It was quite the adventure. ;)

Click here for pictures: 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Trail Log: 7-28-2019

My GPS calls this Bostic Res. 

  • Trail: Moores Hollow
  • Miles: 4.86
  • Ave mph: 3.1
  • Riders: Self - Jones - Dusty
  • Horses: J'Lo, Jack, Raycine and Rooster

Notes: Tried to ride early enough to beat the heat. We succeeded for the most part. Moore's Hollow is more of a spring/fall ride. The breeze was nice on top. We rode a loop I had not tried; past the windmill, up to the top overlooking Bostic Reservoir and back down to the trailers. \

Good to have my pony back

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Trail Log: 7-20-2019

  • Trail: Ear Creek IMO - Hill City Idaho
  • Miles 17.3 (13.3 IMO - 4 pre-IMO)
  • Riders: Circle Four (Jones & Self) 
  • Horses: Jack and Raycine
  • Placing: 6th
  • Trail Rating: 3.8

Notes: Great weekend of IMO and shooting. I decided to leave J'Lo at home and  take Jack only. I wanted to concentrate on Jack without J'Lo distracting him or tempting me to ride her during shooting practice. We left fairly early Friday morning for Ear Creek Sheep Corrals above Hill City for the Renegades IMO ride. My truck overheated on the steep climb in - it's time to either get a bigger trans cooler or a newer truck. I'm leaning toward the newer truck.

The camping area for Ear Creek doesn't get much prettier. It was nice having corrals for the horses and not having to set up portable pens. Especially since I planned to leave EARLY Sunday morning to make shooting practice in Willow Creek.

We were the firs team out. We left early to avoid the heat and the giant horse flies. The climb up Brenner and Coyote are pretty much straight up. Jack and Raycine barely broke a sweat. Both horses did very well on the steep, sometimes technical trails.

It was one of our best IMO's so far. We made zero mistakes and managed to cut 3 miles off the 16 mile loop by taking a trail back to camp along Ear Creek that was not on the map.

We managed to place 6th. Had we not loitered around camp for 20 minutes after timing out we would have placed higher. We don't go to place though. It is not a race for us. We just go to find markers, read the map and find cool places to ride. Placing is icing on the cake.

Got up early Sunday morning and headed to Worley's in Willow Creek for shooting practice. First practice with Jack in a different arena with horses and other commotion. He didn't miss a beat. We shot two courses clean. So excited to have a backup shooting horse.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Trail Log: 7-17-2019

  • Trail: Keithly Creek
  • Mile: 6.1
  • Riders: Self (kind of stating the obvious) - Jones - Sharon
  • Horses: J'Lo - Honor - Ellie
  • Dogs: Hank - Ben - Rolland - Sally 

Notes: Met at The Cabin and threw in with Jones. About a 17 miles drive up Hit Mnt. to the parking spot. 

The clutch in Sharon's truck appears to be burning up. After some doing, we manged to get it in low gear and pulled off the main road. In true cowgirl fashion - we shut the stupid thing off, unloaded and rode anyway. It would be there when we got back and wouldn't be any more or less broke than when we left it.

We planned to do a loop but didn't quite ride far enough to find the trail that turned back south. After downloading my tracks, I see we were within 3/10 of a mile from where we needed to be. It would have made it an 8.5 mile loop. Regardless - it was a beautiful ride and the weather could not have been better.

Sharon's truck was better behaved on the way back. We stopped back at the Cabin for a bite to eat before heading home.