Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Pumpkin Cheesecake Diaries - 1-26-2020

Hi. My name is Laurie and I am an Amazonaholic

I'm thinking of driving back to Idaho, filling my truck full of coolers and selling them on the corner of S. Tegner in Wickenburg. Who would have thought you couldn't buy a cooler in this town to save your life. “Two weeks” was as soon as I could expect to purchase said cooler. Thirteen days and 23 hours longer than the meat and ice I'd just bought was going to hold. When I left Idaho at 17° - a cooler wasn't on my list of essentials. It will be next year.

I spent the day running errands in town and picking up a few supplies. I met Lynn and Pete at Anita's in town after church. We discussed our plans to head to Tombstone after the Kenda clinic in February. We aren't finding available RV/horse stables anywhere. I got on-line and did a search for camping spots on BLM around Tombstone. From the looks of it, we shouldn't have a problem finding a place to dry camp for a couple of days.

Lynn lent me a cooler to use until I scrounge one up. I could order one from Amazon and have it shipped. My order history with Amazon could be considered a sickness. Cindy admits her addiction and suggests it might be appropriate for us to check into AA (Amazon Anonymous.) While I deny any addiction – I am willing to research the topic as soon as the Amazon book I ordered on “12 steps to recovery” arrives in two day with FREE SHIPPING!

While Lynn worked with DJ in the arena, Peter taught me more sign language. I can now sign for the color “white” and understand that Pete is either a Laker's fan or he despises them. He also keeps up on current affairs and if I'm reading his signing correctly – somebody is about to get a bomb dropped on them. I have not tuned into the news since I left Idaho. It's like a soap opera. You can stop watching, tune in years later and catch up in 5 minutes; Trump is bad. Whatever happens, it's Trump's fault...unless it's something good. More of the circus that is the impeachment trials and Trump sucks. The end.

I swung by Exxon Mobil to fill up my truck before hooking it back up to my LQ. Never do that. Likely the most chaotic gas station in these parts. Maybe I picked a busy time – but what a circus. Hard to get in, hard to get out, cars darting here and there. I went in to get my change and the clerk was “helping” a lady at the counter. I use the word “help” loosely. A Hispanic lady was obviously having trouble with the credit card reader on pump six – and I don't speak a lick of Spanish. I understand the clerk was busy, but he could have found somebody in that store that understood Spanish. We are in Arizona, after-all. I felt bad for her. I wished I could speak Spanish. When you look like I do – dark eyes – dark hair..its assumed you speak Spanish, Italian, Egyptian, Arabic, Swahili or Comanche. The further along in the summer it gets..the assumption grows. I don't speak anything but English and struggle with that. It occurred to me as I watched the miscommunication – how nice it would be if they both new sign language. They should teach it in schools all over the world. It's an easy language to learn and can be learned in a day! If I can learn it, anybody can. I think it would be a great idea. Unless Trump thinks it's a good idea. Then it's a bad idea because Trump sucks. The End.
Even jumping Cholla has a purpose. 

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