Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Pumpkin Cheesecake Diaries - 2020

Margarita's and Dollar Store Granny Panties

I've had a couple days to settle in. Cindy and Dave have gone out of their way to show me the ropes. My brain is in total overload. Pretty sure I reached maximum capacity somewhere between Dave's grand tour of Wickenburg and Cindy's lesson in terminology for the different species of Cactus. I can only remember a couple. The Saguaro cactus – which I was calling the Sequoia. That explains why it took me so long to spot a cactus in Arizona – I was looking for a giant redwood. The other – the jumping white cactus has several names it goes by according to the variety. The only one I can remember of this is the Teddy Bear....something. Chollo?? I'll have to Google it. Google knows everything...unless it's an address in Arizona. I'm pretty sure nobody wants anybody to know they live here. Otherwise ever body will want to move here! I know I do...

Yesterday was a kick back day. I set up a course and practiced on both J'Lo and Jack. Both horses did great. I was especially happy with Jack. I haven't shot off him in a while and expected him to be a little chargy. He was calm and collected all day. I couldn't be happier with my two ponies.

I took the dogs out in the afternoon and walked some property for sale around the area. Probably just a pipe dream but you never know. A dream can't come true if you don't dare to imagine it.

Cindy text later in the day and asked if wanted to go to a three man sorting clinic. The third “man” bailed on them and went shooting instead. I said sure! Do have to be good at it or know what I'm doing? She assured me it as a beginners clinic and I would be fine.

My first instinct was to take J'Lo. She fits right in my comfort zone. If I think there is going to be a lot of commotion that might get me bucked off Jack, I chicken out and take J. I realize I have to stop doing that. Jack can't be expected to be any different if I don't expose him to things; any more than I can expect J'Lo to develop better trail habits and endurance if I don't get her out on the trail more.

Cindy and I pulled out of Aquila toward Glendale by 7:30 am with her horse, Cowboy, and Jack. We met Jaimie Z. outside of Wickenburg and our 3 woman sorting team was on it's way. The two hour drive flew by as Cindy turned tour guide – pointing out all the interesting attractions and history on the drive.

The gal putting on the clinic, Malinda, rode like she was born on a cutting horse. She broke down the three parts/roles of each person and went over the basics of sorting in general. You have the gate person, the cutter and I don't remember what the person in the middle is called...blocker maybe? What do you expect, I thought “crossover” was a town.

Melinda asked if we had any questions. I had one. What position is best if you don't have a clue what your doing? She said none of them were laid back – so just get in there and figure it out – but if the first two spots are doing really good - the gate might be the most laid back. If not – it can be the most hectic.

We did several drills working on each position. I think I like the cutter the best – or maybe the blocker. The blocker is fun because you can buzz up there and cut off the cows while the cutter is doing their thing and the gate person is helping wherever needed. The gate person is a little tense when you have 7 bad cows and 2 other riders coming at you at once. I was glad to be on Jack after my first experience with the gate at a faster pace. He's big enough that no matter what comes at you – they aren't going to knock him around. He was a trooper. I can't really tell what he looks like because I'm sitting up there trying to remember what comes after 6 and which position to rotate into next. Crazy how fast a person can forget how to count. One gal decided it should be legal to count backwards. “You can do that, right?”Cindy said Jack looked like he was having a blast. If a cow came at us, he would drop his head and pin his ears back. That horse NEVER pins his ears – we have J'Lo for that. Dropping his head is something for him too as he can be high-headed when he's anxious. He did a little teeth gnashing – but then again, so do I when I'm nervous. He never got so wound up I thought he was going to blow up. He'd do his job and prance out of the pen all proud of himself. We might not have known what we were doing – but dang it, we thought we looked good doing it!

Cindy, Jamie, Linda and I met at Chili's for lunch and $5:00 margaritas!! The girls all ordered some variation or other of tacos and I ordered an “old timers” burger. I thought it was only appropriate.

Cindy would not allow me to buy dollar store underwear. She insisted on taking me into Kohl's. I didn't want to put anybody out by dragging them around underwear shopping but she assured me she needed to pick up a few things as well. Now that I look back – I'm the only one that made a purchase! However, she did have a 15% off coupon on her phone she scanned for my purchase. It's not what kind of undies you's who you take shopping for them! I am relieved knowing I won't be running out of clean undies for a while and I imagine Cindy will sleep better tonight knowing I won't be wearing dollar store granny-panties. At least not this trip.

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