Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Pumpkin Cheesecake Diaries: 2-26-2020

Photo courtesy: BLM.ORG 

I've been in a frump the last couple of days. Watching the end of my adventure creep nearer is a bit depressing. To take my mind off it – I signed up for another Kenda clinic. I cleaned out my trailer to make room for Cindy and Patty's horses – Cowboy and Mocha. I might as well use the septic dump while we were there. Plus, taking my rig freed Dave up to take the bumper pull roping. A person might get the impression that boy likes to rope.

Cindy spotted a band of wild burros on a hillside. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to appreciate them. “If I didn't have to go home in two days, maybe I could have spotted a herd while out riding and snapped some pictures. I bet if I had a little more time, I could have spotted a Javelina, too.” Instead of appreciating all the amazing things I've seen and done in the last two months...I've been busy focusing on the ones I've missed.

J'Lo did really well at the clinic. Me...not so much. Kenda said my form is great...I'm riding course management and lines are spot on. The reason I'm missing balloons is I'm shooting too soon. I need to “slow my mind down.” I have to remember to “Shoot late and you'll be right on time.” “If I didn't have to go home in a couple days...I could take a few more clinics and start hitting all my balloons again. What do I care...I'll just donate for the weekend shoot in Vegas, go 'home,' kick rocks and eat worms.”

Dave met us at Chili's for a late lunch after the clinic. I don't normally eat out this much. “What difference does it make. I have to go home in a few days. Doesn't matter if I pack on a few extra pounds from greasy restaurant food. The extra layer of fat will help keep me warm when I'm back in Idaho freezing my ass off.”

I was happy to see Patty eat something besides cold scrambled eggs. The space formerly known as her tooth was feeling a little better. She would know more about her travel schedule after her dentist appointment next week. I told her to keep in touch and I would wait in Alamo after my Vegas shoot and we could travel back together from there. Dave and Cindy shook their heads: “Oh for crying out loud, quit your belly aching...scratch Vegas, enter Winter Range here at Ben Avery and travel back together so neither one of you are traveling out across the godforsaken desert alone. we are sick and tired of you whining about not wanting to go home.” That's not exactly how they said it...but the meaning was close.

In that moment....the entire restaurant filled with dancing unicorns and rainbows. I don't have to go home in two days?! Patty's tooth...or the space formerly known as her tooth...had bought me a good week. I feel like I should pick up the dentist bill.

Cindy rode home with Dave. Patty and I pulled out of the Chili's parking lot in brighter spirits than when we arrived. We jabbered away as I kept a close lookout for the burro's. Patty spotted one off by itself. I missed it, but that's OK. I had another week to look for burro's, Javelina and maybe even one or two of the sixteen species of rattlesnakes that live here.

Patty was already planning the bon-fire she would build when we got “home.” She realized what she said as soon as she spoke the word: “Home.” “It feel's like home, doesn't it? I mean feels like home.” Yes feels like home to me, too.”

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